Chabad of Georgetown Hosts Annual Chof Beis Shvat Dinner
Of all the events that Chabad of Georgetown in Brooklyn host, the highlight of the year for the women occurred this week. All year the women anticipate it and are sure to clear their schedules for the long-awaited evening. The annual Chof Beis Shvat Dinner orchestrated by Shliach Rabbi Avraham Holtzberg had women flocking from all areas and needless to say they were not disappointed. The exquisite décor in addition to the talented Chellist Laura Melincoff, set the mood perfectly and the evening began with the candle lighting ceremony and the recitation of the Rebbe and Rebbitzin’s Kapital said by the Shlucha Rebbitzin Shulamis Holtzberg.
Before the official speakers of the evening took the stage, the crowd was in for a surprise. Rabbi Holtzberg’s youngest daughter, Sara Esther Holtzberg of 8 years, confidently and sweetly touched the crowd with her words. She recounted her first Kinus Shabbaton experience and how it was meeting other Junior Shluchos from around the world and expressed how proud she was to be their Shlucha.
Mrs. Dina Stambler, Shlucha in Komonskoye, Ukraine, had the women mesmerized as she told stories of her life as a Shlucha; stories that spoke of her true faith, through all types of challenges she faced. She explained that Shluchim sent around the world by the Rebbe are actually the Rebbe’s Channels through which to reach Jews everywhere and spread the light.Only through believing that, can they stand in the face of anything that may get in their way.
Following, Mrs. Sarah Karmely, completely captivated the women with her fascinating life story. Through an incredible turn of events she chose to return to Jewish observance and the Rebbe had a leading role in it becoming a central guiding figure in all aspects of her life. So close was their relationship that the Rebbe told her to report back to him after each action she did in connection to spreading Yiddishkiet. Since then, after every lecture she has the women write their names on a slip of paper she delivers to the Ohel and that evening was no exception.
Even through dessert and the art project the women couldn’t get enough of the speakers following them out the door asking questions and hanging on to their every word.
The goal for the evening was to inspire the women of the community and portray the idea of women’s empowerment; to show them the strength they each had in them and the things they can achieve. Rebbitzin Chaya Muhska was the central example that evening, and everyone left with enough inspiration to last awhile.
Photos by: Nechama Kotlarsky