New Vaad Appointed To Help Oversee Chabad Activities In Florida
In a letter to the Shluchim of Florida, the head shliach to Florida Rabbi Avrohom Korf, named a new Vaad to oversee Chabad activities in the State.
The letter names Rabbi Sholom Ber Dubov, Rabbi Yossie Biston, Rabbi Zalman Bukiet, Rabbi Yisroel Frankforter, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Janowski, Rabbi Zalman Levitin, and Rabbi Dov Schochet as the boards members.
The letter states the tremendous burden of tending to the needs of the many Shluchim of Florida, and outlines the responsibilities the new Vaad will take on.
Rabbi Korf notes that the Vaads decisions in matters of placement of new Shluchim, contracts between Shluchim, arbitration, and uniform codes will be final. The Vaad will also be tasked as a resource for Shluchim for any needs that may arise.
In a clarification email, Rabbi Korf said that by no means is he foregoing his Shlichus, doubling down that the Vaad is there to help with the growth of Shlichus in Florida.
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