JLI: “Worrier to Warrior” Course Draws Record Numbers
JLI’s new course this fall, Worrier to Warrior, has struck a chord with the public across the country and the globe with many shluchim seeing unusually high numbers of participants. Multiple shluchim report a significant increase in student enrollment, with some experiencing their largest turnout in JLI history.
The six-week course addresses the negative feelings that many grapple with; feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and anxiousness that get in the way of happiness and contentment with our lives.
Based on chapters 26-33 of Tanya, the course provides a soul-oriented perspective that helps us accept – if not embrace – our difficulties and shortcomings to see the redeeming qualities of our struggle.
“The teachings from Lesson 1 of the natural soul and the divine soul and the fact that we were born to struggle were an epiphany for me. These principles have helped me to unravel some knots in my brain and have presented new options on how to view the struggles and manage them with reason…My only complaint about Worrier to Warrior is that I wish I could have taken it 40 years ago,” wrote a participant at the JLI chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah to Rabbi Benny Zippel.
A student in Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman’s class in Oro Valley, Arizona shared this, “I am enjoying the Rabbi’s class immensely. He helped release me from twenty years of guilt and remorse with respect to an unintentional hurt that I felt I perpetrated on my father, who is now deceased… The Rabbi explained how this was not coming from a good place, and amazingly, I was able to release it. Such a blessing to feel so liberated.”
Gary, who participated in Rabbi Yankie Denburg’s class in Coral Springs, FL texted, “Thank you so much for last night’s lesson. I found it to be enlightening and inspirational. For me, I think, it may have been transformational and life-changing.”