Chabad of Markham Welcomes Torah for a Special Child
This past Thursday, Lag B’omer, Chabad of Markham welcomed a new Sefer Torah in loving memory of Zalmy Plotkin obm, with over 500 people attended the event. A Torah parade was held in conjunction with a Lag Baomer event after the last letter of the Torah was inscribed.
The children led the parade down Green Lane, which was blocked off by the police holding a massive banner, followed by a decorated music car and the Torah under a handheld Chuppah.
The Mayor of Markham, Frank Scarpitti and MP Mary Ng joined in. The sun came out just on time and provided beautiful weather for the special occasion.
Zalmy Plotkin the son of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Plotkin passed away last year at the young age of 14 years old. Zalmy had Downs syndrome, but despite his challenges he played an integral role in the family’s Shlichus to Markham. Zalmy in his own unique way was responsible for many people returning to Yiddishkeit, and he inspired thousands to do Mitzvos both in life and thereafter.
After the Torah was welcomed with Hakafos, dancing and flags, an emotional memorial service for Zalmy was conducted with riveting speeches by Rebbetzin Goldie Plotkin and Mendy Plotkin and a very moving audio visual presentation. This was all followed by a barbecue, bonfire and a spectacular fireworks show.