Haditch Center Dedicated in Slain Shliach’s Memory
On the 24th of Tevet, the Yohrzeit of the Alter Rebbe, visitors to the Heichal Admur Hazaken and Hospitality Center were invited to participate in the inauguration and dedication of a new wing of the hospitality center in dedication to the late Shliach and Chossid; Rabbi Mendel Deutsch HYD.
The unveiling ceremony was proceeded by a farbrengen that was attended by hundreds of guests who came to Haditch for this special day. During the gathering, the renown Mashpiah, Rabbi Chaim Shalom Deutsch spoke about his late brother’s tremendous activities and efforts for the sake of Haditch, the town of the Alter Rebbe, which include the maintenance of the Rebbe’s grave-site and the building of the great hall. He related how for two decades, Reb Mendel exerted much effort in developing the location and ensuring it could suitably host thousands of visitors and pilgrims.
He concluded, “We are indeed fortunate, that thanks to the immense activities of my brother; The tens of guests who came but a few years ago, now number in their thousands, from all over the world. Thank God, our nephew, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, who worked together for years with my brother, is continuing to maintain and develop this holy site diligently.”
Rabbi Mendel was murdered a few days after Rosh Hashanah 5777, when he was mercilessly beaten to within an inch of his life. On Chol Hamoed Pesach of that year, he died from his injuries. He was only 64 years old.
It is fitting to note that, incredibly, the number of beds that are planned for the new hospitality wing, to be soon completed, equals 64 exactly!
Regarding the hospitality project, only the eastern wing has been completed, while the western wing still has to be built. As the costs are enormous, it was decided to dedicate the construction of this additional wing to the name and memory of Rabbi Mendel a”h, so that any donation given to complete the building will be as a mitzvah to fulfill the words and will of the deceased in the deepest possible sense.
Donations can be made for the full cost of a room ($18,000) or half a room ($9,000), or for any other amount.
For details and donations:
The director of the center hospitality of the Alter Rebbe,
Rabbi Shneur Deutsch
Cell: +972(0)52-7638023
Office: +972(0)2-535-5100
Email: haditch4mendel@gmail.com
For secure donations: eii.uskisrael.org/mdeu