Students Build Beis Hamikdosh Out of 70,000 Legos
In commemoration of 40 years since the Rebbe chose 12 Pesukim for children to learn and internalize, Cheder Menachem of New Jersey’s theme this year was The 12 Pesukim: Directions for Life. The finale of this project was the building of a Beis Hamikdosh out of 70,000 pieces of Lego.
Over the past two years, Cheder students have learned, discussed and applied the concepts and themes of the 12 Pesukim.
Tickets were distributed daily to students “caught” in the act of “resilience” (Yogati), “positive attitude” (Yismach), “Love and care” (Ve’Ohavta), and more. Each possuk gives insight and guidance into every day behavior and attitude. An interactive bulletin board with a 3-D Stop Sign is a favorite spot where the students deposit their tickets and await a weekly raffle to earn prizes.
The positive atmosphere generated in the school, where students are recognized and their positive traits valued, where the 12 Pesukim are not just words but truly a way of life, has impacted all subjects and all areas of the day. In Cheder, the students are not only learning subjects; they are learning character.
The finale – We Want Moshiach Now! –was celebrated with ‘an interactive wall of bricks’ virtually created in every classroom, and an Imagine That! Theme implemented across curricula. The last day of school, the students collaborated together to build a Beis HaMikdash out of lego led by The Lego Man, bringing to life how our Avoda virtually builds the Beis HaMikdash.
It was an truly amazing and inspirational to watch the excitement of 60 students of all ages and staff of all ages sitting on the gym floor building together the Beth Hamikdash out of over 70,000 lego pieces.
Upon completion, parents joined the teachers and students sang a few songs about rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash through our good deeds. Cheder concluded on a major high!
For more information about the Cheder and for employment opportunities, please email gazimov@chedernj.org.
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