Friendship Circle Parents Treated to Night Out
As far as super-parents go, the Friendship Circle parent body tops the list. As part of their ongoing mission to offer respite to their parents, the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn hosted their annual “Parents Night Out” this past Tuesday.
Parents were greeted by the sounds a wonderful string duo, Delicious gluten free, spelt or traditional options from Pletzel Pizza, a lavish salad bar, and desserts. Over soft and hard drinks, the moms and dads had the opportunity to meet and greet fellow parents, share notes and ideas in their common goal of raising their children.
The parents were then invited to sit down for a ‘comedy club’ style evening. Beginning with opening remarks by Rabbi Berel Majesky, who thanked the many gracious hearts that make up the Friendship Circle. He noted that “the Friendship Circle has grown into a vibrant community and this growth is due to the constant support and encouragement we receive from our families.” Up next was the hilarious improv comedy troupe from the National comedy theater, who’s games and quick humor kept the crowd enthralled and well entertained.
Special mention was made of the Parent Advisory committee who has given many hours of their time to advise and further enhance the ongoing programs of the FC.
A big thank you to Mushki Tenenbaum for all her help with planning and executing a beautiful night.
Photos by Jakub Redziniak
gooo majeskys…