New Charges Against Crown Heights Landlord
New charges have been filed by State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman against Crown Heights landlord Daniel Melamed, who is accused of ‘Illegal eviction’ for not providing adequate heating to his tenants in an alleged bid to drive them out.
From NBC New York:
A New York City landlord charged with shutting off heat to drive out tenants now also faces allegations of mortgage fraud and larceny.
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced the new charges Thursday against Daniel Melamed. Six of his current and former employees and associates are also charged.
Melamed has pleaded not guilty to all the allegations. His lawyer hasn’t immediately responded to a request for comment on the new charges, but the attorney has described the earlier unlawful-eviction case as “political grandstanding.”
Pure lashon hara, mamash an aveirah. Be ashamed of yourselves.
Lashon Hara means it’s true–do you mean slander?
CH resident
btw, this is NOT a member of the local Malamud family
Not speaking to whether the allegations are true, or loshon hora, but it is not our local beloved Malamud family
Beloved? Hardly. But glad to hear this rasha is not a CHer. Where is he from?
It's about time:
To disgusting, dont Be self righteous
You are only worried about lashon hara these crown heights landlords are getting what they deserve
Not all landlords are like this but may are. They rake in the rents and treat tenants like dirt.
Any accusation against a Jew is ANTI-SEMITISM!!
Schneiderman obviously hates Yidden. Shame on him.
So if a Jew breaks the law they shouldn’t be charged?
We hope he will be freed of all charges
Leftist Jew
“Any accusation against a Jew is ANTI-SEMITISM!!”.
Uh huh.
Has to stop
Let him live in one of his apartments for 20 years