Friendship Circle Volunteers Treated to Night Out

This week the Friendship Circle girl volunteers joined together for an evening of fun and inspiration.

The girls stepped into the “Pleztel Pizza” parlor, with all volunteers getting personal pies – with a French twist.

The program was opened by Mrs Chani Majesky, who thanked the girls for their commitment and dedication; reminding them that although life is busy with tests, productions and convention, the visits they make are having a huge impact on the lives of the children and their families, and thanking them for keeping ‘Friends @ Home’ visits a priority in their lives.

The girls were privileged to hear from Rivky Holtzberg, who shared her life story and how the love and dedication of caring volunteers made and continue to make a difference in her life, till this day. She encouraged the volunteers to continue their weekly visits saying, although you may not see how much your one hour a week visit may do, it’s impact is tremendous.

Up next was Rabbi Yehousha Soudakoff, widely known as the “Deaf Rabbi,” who delivered an eye opening, humorous and entertaining speech which left the girls inspired and motivated to make success’ from their own challenges. The evening helped the volunteers put their weekly visit into perspective, and gain advice and ideas on how to best interact with the child they visit each week. The girls quickly picked up on some ASL, that the Rabbi taught them.

The program concluded with each volunteer creating a special game of ‘Purim Ispy’ made up of Purim themed objects, which they delivered and played on their next visit to their friend’s home.

Special thanks to Chumie Levin and the school presidents for all their work on this program.

For more information about the Friendship Circle, visit their website at

Decor by Mushki Tenenbaum. Photos by Jakub Redziniak.

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One Comment

  • wow

    looks like a beautiful event . a lot of hard work must have gone into planning that!! go friendship circle!