New Music Room Dedicated at Chovevei Torah

Earlier this week, Rabbi and Mrs. Yerachmiel Jacobson inaugurated a new Music and Farbrengen Room at Yeshivas Chovevei Torah.

Rabbi Jacobson was honored with putting up the mezuzah on the newly-built and equipped room in the basement of the dormitory. The room was dedicated in memory of his father, Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson, who was known for his tremendous Ahavas Yisroel and his gentle manner with people.

Rabbi Mendel Blau, menahel of the Beis Medrash, told the bochurim that the idea behind creating this special space was to bring bochurim together in the spirit of Hakhel, where we see that every person has something unique to contribute to Klal Yisroel.

“It’s a great place to let off some extra energy,” Rabbi Jacobson said. He pointed out that self-expression through music would bring more focus and enthusiasm to the bochurim’s daily learning. He also explained that the word for song, Shira, is closely connected with Torah. Shira has the letters Yud and Hei, while the word Torah has the letters Vov and Hei. Together, they spell the name of Havayeh.

“If break-time is not used for anything productive, it can make one feel more sluggish when it is time to come back to learning,” believes Rabbi Dov Baron, administrator. “The room will give the bochurim a positive healthy outlet to express themselves, making them come back more invigorated to learn Torah.”

The bochurim were very thankful and have begun using the new space to get together and practice playing nigunnim and lively Adar songs.

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  • Kol Hakavod

    I’m someone who went through the system and was always told that music (and other extracurricular activities) were “not chassidish” It’s very nice to see that the yeshivos are realizing that talent should be encouraged and not crushed. Thanks to everyone who had a part in making this happen

  • K

    Is this a yeshiva ketanna?

    A high school?

    An OTD yeshiva for troubled boys?

    Because for a normal Bais Hamedresh where bochurim shteig yomam v’laylah – it must be a purim joke, unless this is the standard of learning in Lubavitch.

    What next, a game room with ping pong and a pool table? Maybe also a pin ball video arcade?


    WHEN IS Oholei Torah zal getting such stuff?
    It would be amazing to have a music room, excercising machines etc.

  • response to k

    you are clearly out of touch with whats going on today

    walk into every flagship “mossed” by the break time, and tell me how many boys are in their seats learning

    most bochurim of today need their breakfast lunch and supper breaks

    this is about making sure that its used productively and not wasted on cell phones etc…. and much more that i will withhold in my comments

    kudos to this yeshiva and whoever sponsored this, for realizing the need to create healthy outlets for the breaktime

    in lubavitch the bochurim would go swimming and so would the roshei yeshiva…..

    • K

      In BMG and all other Alef-type yeshivos, bochurim are serious about their learning. Even while eating lunch or supper, you can hear them discussing the shiyur or chaburah they heard. I guess in your community, yeshivos should offer a TV lounge for bochurim to unwind.

  • Crown Heightser

    K has chutzpah to post his misngdesh hate on a chabad site. Kick him off!!

  • Toshov Hashchuna

    To CH’er – if K is saying the truth, then it is the truth, like it or not. Our bochurim think yeshiva is a drop in center for entertainment and fun.