Oholei Torah Mesivta Visits OK Labs
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, Menahel of the Oholei Torah Mesivta, together with Maggid Shiur Rabbi Moshe Halperin, took a group of Bochurim for a tour of the OK Lab offices on Troy Avenue, just up the block from the Mesivta building.
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, of the OK Labs, gave the young bochurim a tour of the offices, and a much broader understanding of the complex issues with kashrus today.
What most bochrim had previously taken for granted – just walking into a local grocery store to buy kosher products – now turned into a much deeper understanding and appreciation for the OK Labs, whose staff works so hard to keep the standards of Kashrus to the highest levels.
Zalmy Schapiro
Rabbi Fogelman
…is a tremendous blessing for our community.
Yasher Koach Rabbi Wilhelm! Always doing a great job!