Survivor Reads Stories from Book on Her Childhood

‘Talking to Children about the Holocaust’ was the subject of an inter-generational evening hosted by Chabad of Flamingo, north of Toronto.

Mrs. Tuky Treitel, the protagonist of the book TUKY, The Story of a Hidden Child, was hidden in a farm village on the Hungarian countryside.  Together with her daughter, author Shterni Rosenfeld, they spoke to the crowd about this delicate subject, and the importance of sharing it with the youth.

The two shared many stories both found in the book, as well as some which were not included in it.

As one of the participants commented, “Mrs. Rosenfeld read the book with feeling, even though she was in front of a crowd. Mrs. Treitel was as real as ever, and the two worked back and forth in a really nice synchronous fashion, that it almost made it feel like a mother and daughter were conversing with their family, and we were being led in.”

The book TUKY, The Story of a Hidden Child, published by Hachai, is geared for children 8-12. This book can serve as a first introduction to the holocaust for elementary-aged children.

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One Comment

  • I saw this book

    I saw this book recently and I really liked the idea behind it. The cartoon-style pictures don’t seem to really fit with the type of book, but I’m sure many will enjoy it and learn from it nonetheless.