Friendship Circle Keeps Kids Entertained on Public Holiday
While many in the Frum community may not have taken notice, many public and charter schools were closed yesterday while the United States commemorated Veteran’s Day. But the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, whose children mostly did have the day off from school, definitely took note.
To keep the most amazing group of kids entertained and busy on their day off, the Friendship Circle’s Public Holiday Initiative and scholarship fund offered a full day outing and an action packed schedule.
For Veteran’s day, the children were bussed to PacPlex, Brooklyn’s largest indoor sports and recreational facility. Together with the wonderful volunteers from Bnos Menachem, headed by Perl Feigin and Mousia Telsner, the children enjoyed crafts, turf games and aerobics.
“It’s our chance to imbue the kids with wholesome fun in a warm and loving environment,” said Mrs. Chani Majesky, director of Friendship Circle, “the smiles of these precious kids, are priceless.”
Special thanks to Mr. Irv Landau and Ms. Irene Schmidt of PacPlex and Sheina Chincholker of the Friendship Circle office for making the day so memorable.
The Majeskys took this
Mosad to a whole new level and have given these special children the attention they deserve.
Yasher koach!!
Ruthie Benabou
We love you!!!!