Brazil Yeshiva Welcomes Shluchim

A farbrengen was held at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Sao Paulo, Brazil, celebrating the Rebbe Rashab’s birthday and welcoming the four Talmidei HaShluchim who arrived to spend the year studying and assisting the junior students.

The four Shluchim are: Menachem Lifshitz, Mendel Zirkind, Mendy Ross and Levi Sudak.

Several speakers inspired the audience, including: The Rosh Yeshiva, Reb Shamei Ende; Mashpia, Reb Sholom Ber Gurarei; Mashpia, Reb Zalman Zajac; guest speaker Rabbi Y.Y. Gansburg, Mashpia in Kiryat Gat; and new Shluchim Menachem Lifshitz and Mendel Zirkind.