Ten New Rabbis Ordained in South Africa

Ten Bochurim learning in the Machon Lehora’ah Smicha program in Pretoria, South Africa, received Smicha this week. The program, under the auspices of Rabbi Levi Wineberg, is known as one of the most intense Smicha programs in Lubavitch.

The newly ordained rabbis are: Avron Swartz, Eli Cohen, Osher Goldman, Bezzy Lazarus, Shaya Marks, Chanan Rose, Yoni Baker, Eli Landes, Mordechai Hecht and Avi Ifergan.


  • chaim36

    Mazel Tov ! Implore them to get a college education just as the rebbee [obm ] did in Paris.They then will be well rounded in chacmaw.

  • chacmaw

    Miss those days! Life was a lot simpler. Big questions included; Should I eat Errol’s jam cookie or go to Dorothy?

    #2 is correct. If you got what it takes and won’t become bashmutzed, start your secular education today. You could complete your program by the time others are still in Kollel trying to make ends meet.

    However, to #2 went a little too far using the Rebbe as an example. This is open for intense conversation – not on this platform.

    Lastly to #2, what the H is “chacmaw”? Can anyone tell me? Soup? Airplane?