Monsey Community Gathers to Celebrate Yud Tes Kislev
Yud Tes Kislev has been celebrated for years by Chassidim of all circles marking the release from prison of the Alte Rebbe and the Yom Helula of the Maggid of Mezritch.
The Rockland County Community celebrated a massive Farbrengen this past Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayishlach, organized by Heichal Menachem of Monsey. The Melava Malka was attended by local Rabbonim and drew a diverse crowd of close to one thousand people, representing the entire spectrum of Chassidim, all in their thirst and yearning for Chassidus.
The program was organized by its director, R’ Dovid Oberlander, son of Hagoan HaRav Gedalia Oberlander, and was chaired by Rabbi Aaron Dovid Gancz, Menahel Yeshiva of Morristown.
The evening was graced by dignitaries from as far away as Eretz HaKodesh, they included Harav HaChossid Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Segal, Rosh Hakollel Tzemach Tzedek; who was introduced by his Talmid, the local Rov of the Monsey Lubavitch community, Rabbi Boruch Lesches; Harav Hachossid Rabbi Nachmun Yosef Tewrsky, Maggid Shiur in Mesivta Oholei Torah and noted Mechanech; as well as the renowned editor in chief of “Chassidus M’vueres,” Harav Hachossid Rabbi Leibel Altein who each spoke passionately about the power of Chassidus and its influence in Avodas Hashem.
As in the past, hundreds flocked to buy Chassidishe Seforim, especially those of the Alter Rebbe, drastically reduced for this unique occasion. All those in attendance received a Tshura printed especially for this event, explaining the basics of Chassidus, written by the Chozer Reb Yoel Kahan (originally for “The Yiddishe Heim”).
Throughout the masterful musician Yossi Cohen and “The Kapelle” enhanced the evening with a variety of Chassidishe Niggunim. The inspiration was palpable and lingered on as the evening concluded in spontaneous dance.