Arutz 7

A new Israeli television show finds entertainment value in the Chabad Lubavitch movement’s renowned worldwide outreach. The show, Kathmandu, focuses on the fictional story of a young Lubavitch couple doing outreach in Nepal.

Chabad Outreach Inspires New Israeli Series

Arutz 7

A new Israeli television show finds entertainment value in the Chabad Lubavitch movement’s renowned worldwide outreach. The show, Kathmandu, focuses on the fictional story of a young Lubavitch couple doing outreach in Nepal.

Actor Michael Moshonov, who plays the part of the husband, said he got into the character by speaking to the brother of one of the real-life Chabad emissaries in Nepal. “He told me how to act and how to show it in the most honorable way,” he said.

He also read about the Lubavitcher rebbe, he said.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky of the Chabad movement’s educational arm said the show reflects well on the real emissaries in Kathmandu. “It became famous because of the good work that they’re doing,” he explained.


  • A shliach

    It is inspiring to most non-observant viewers that ive spoken with. It presents chabad in a very true and compassionate way that said, It is also just as inappropriate for us to watch as most things on tv.
    But kol hakavod to the producers for their desire to share this truth with the greater public in israel..
    Halevai it should takkeh change some hearts to come closer to the rebbe and torah/mitzvos.

  • Rz

    I feel that many people will think that this is good or a cool thing. I am it so sure and a bit concerned. It can be something very good, but I am worried that some of the show may not at times be accurate and give a bad representation of Chabad. The may be unintentional, or maybe intentional. When it comes to tv, movies, etc., the people creathing the show/movie want iit it be interesting and draw attention. This is their job. In trying to make the show interesting and popular, it could portray chabad in embarrassing or inappropiate situations.

    If someone wants to make a documentary, this is a different matter. But to make a fictional tv show and give people that this is the way we are, I do ot think this is a good idea. Too many people learn about frum Jews by watching tv and movies that often deride us. Why should want anything that do the same?