New Kollel Dedicated in London
At a recent Melave Malka, held in honour of the first Yahrtzeit of Reb Sholom Ber Raskin, OBM, a new Beis Medrash which will serve as a Kollel was dedicated and showcased to the public.
The property at 133 Clapton Common was bought some forty years ago by the late Mr. Max Katsch, as an extension to the Lubavitch Boys School. Over the years the building housed various departments of the school, some of which have since moved to other locations.
The ground floor, currently serving as a Shul for the older classes of the school, has recently undergone extensive refurbishments, including: new flooring, walls redecorated and new bookcases. Numerous new Seforim have been purchased, and further developments are on their way.
These developments have been made by members of the local Lubavitch community and others, together with the administration of the school, with the goal of housing a Kollel, due to open IYH in the near future.
The Kollel, a project developed and planned by the late Rav Nachman Sudak, OBM, Head Shliach of the Rebbe to the UK, is designed to provide Yungerleit from the local community from and elsewhere the opportunity of devoting the first years after their Chasuna to intense full-time learning without financial worries.
Under the leadership and direction of Dayan Levi Yitzchak Raskin, Yungerleit will have a clearly guided learning program to help them attain a thorough knowledge of practical Halacha.
Starting with the sources in the Gemoro, following through Shulchan Aruch until the Halacha leMa’ase in contemporary Poskim, the program will also include the opportunity for the students to get experience in applying their theoretical learning in answering practical Shaalos.
In addition to their own learning, time will be designated to learning with others. With an evening program for learning with youth and Balei Batim, and with delivering Shiurim at other shuls and Chabad houses, the yungerleit will be already gaining experience in Shlichus while still learning in Kollel.
A financial package has been prepared to provide for the young couples, including arrangements with the local Lubavitch institutions to provide employment opportunities for the wives of the Yungerleit, as well as day care for their children.
The Kollel is currently interested to recruit a limited number of suitable candidates. Interested parties should contact: kollel@chabad.org.uk. Please be aware that although laws of immigration to the UK are quite restrictive, the Kollel administration has done considerable research, and will assist suitable candidates to navigate their eligibility to benefit from this excellent opportunity.
London Alumni or others who wish to support this project, please contact the Administration at the above email address.
London visitor
Great! Long time we’ve been waiting for it.