Leviev Serves as Sandek for Young Student’s Bris

Last week, four students of the Or Avner educational complex for Jewish students from the former Soviet Union in Kfar Sitrin, Israel, entered the covenant of Avraham Avinu by undergoing circumcisions.

Levi Leviev, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia and benefactor of Kfar Sitrin, served as the Sandek for one of the boys.

Over the past nine years since the project’s inception, hundreds of boys who had come to Kfar Sitrin to study from all over the former Soviet Union were given Bris Milahs.

The circumcisions were performed by Bris Yosef Yitzchok, an organization dedicated to ensuring that Jews of all walks of life who would like to enter the covenant of Avraham Avinu can do so, regardless of their financial situation.

Photos courtesy of Shturem.net

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One Comment


    Wow, the mesiras nefesh of these boys

    and kal hakavod to the people who made this possible:)