Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Brana Shaina Deitsch, 72, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Mrs. Brana Shaina Deitsch, OBM, wife of R’ Mordecai Deitsch of New Haven, Connecticut. She was 72 years old.
She is survived by her husband, R’ Mordecai Deitsch, and her children: Yosef Deitsch (New Haven, CT), Arki Deitsch (Crown Heights), Shokie Deitsch (Fairfax, VA), Mendel Deitsch (New Haven, CT), Rivka Marga Gestetner (Jerusalem, Israel), Zalman Deitsch (Columbus, OH), Haysha Deitsch (Crown Heights), and Chaya Hinda (New Haven, CT).
She is also survived by her siblings, Mrs. Leah Berg and Mr. Jonathan Shatzman.
The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday, and will be leaving from Shomrei Hadas at 1:30pm and passing by 770 at around 2:30pm.
A shortened Shiva will be observed in Crown Heights and in New Haven. Tuesday evening, following the kevurah, the family will be sitting at 866 Eastern Parkway, 7th Floor and six minyanim are needed for Maariv.
Wednesday morning Shacharis at 866 Eastern Parkway, 7th Floor, 2 minyanim are needed at 6:00am, 2 minyanim at 7:00am and 2 minyanim at 8:00am. Mincha will be in New Haven with 6 minyanim needed at 2:30pm.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes

boruch dayan haemes
I am in total shock. bonnie was always so full of life, I remember her hiskashrus when she insisted on being called braina after the rebbe spoke about the importance of Hebrew names, she also signed me up for the tehillim club while waiting on line for the rebbes dollars. she didn’t waste time or opportunity and was always real. I am sure she will tell the aibeshter that the time for the geulah is past due. moshiach now…….chana l
Chaim Jacobs
Sad loss of a very humble lady who always did so much Tzedakah and Chessed all in a very quiet way.
Ad Mosye Ad Mosye Ad Mosye
oh Moshiach Now please
I never met her but owe so much to those early years of Nshei Chabad Newsletter. A source of inspiration,
information and support carried me from one issue to the next. May the family be comforted.
A wonderful lady, she inspired so many of us, including me. She will be very much missed.
Lois Eaton
Please accept my condolences to all of the Deitsch Family, I am so very saddened to hear of her loss.
Glenn & Marie Taubman
HaMakom Y’nachem, May Hashem comfort this esteemed family on their loss. We want to especially send condolences to our dear friend, mentor and Rabbi, Sholom Deitsch of Fairfax VA and his own family in Virginia. Your dear mother’s and grandmother’s memory is and will be for a blessing.
baruch dayan haemes
Richard Retting
Our family is deeply saddened by this shocking and totally unexpected loss. The Deitsch family, including Mrs. Brana Shaina Deitsch, OBM, have provided a shining beacon of light and enlightenment in communities across the globe. Among Mrs. Deitsch’s most important contributions and legacies has been the wonderful family that she raised and has shared so generously. In Fairfax, VA we are blessed to be so well served by her son Rabbi Sholom Deitsch and the entire Deitsch family.
Rabbi Yaakov Lieder
למשפחת דייטש היקרה
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים ולא תוסיפו לדאבה עוד.
יעקב לידר ומשפחתו
Feigie B
Shocked! BDE