Pro-Palestinian demonstrators wave Palestinian flags and chant anti Israeli slogans in Paris.

Lubavitcher Injured by Arab Rioters in Paris

A 29-year-old Lubavitcher Bochur suffered a broken nose after he was punched in the face by Arab rioters in Paris, France this morning.

The Bochur was taken to the hospital for treatment, and is listed in stable condition.

The incident occurred this morning at the Rue de la Roquette Synagogue in Paris, reports Anach Infos.

A few hours earlier, anti-Israel protesters at the Bastille shouted “Death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right” while waving flags of Al-Qaeda.

From Fox News:

Pro-Palestinian protesters try to enter Paris synagogues, scuffle with police

Recent violence in Gaza raised tensions in France Sunday as pro-Palestinian protesters tried to force their way into a Paris synagogue with bats and chairs, then fought with security officers who blocked their way, according to police and a witness.

Sunday’s unrest by a few dozen troublemakers came at the end of sizable protest in the French capital demanding an end to Israeli strikes on Gaza and accusing Western leaders of not doing enough to stop them.

France is home to Western Europe’s largest Muslim population and largest Jewish community.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls said two Paris synagogues had been targeted by unspecified violence that he called “inadmissible.” In a statement, he said, “France will never tolerate using violent words or acts to import the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on our soil.”

A police spokeswoman said the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue in eastern Paris was targeted during a service, and worshippers were blocked inside while police pushed protesters back. The spokeswoman said all those inside left safely by Sunday evening.

Aline Le Bail-Kremer watched the incident unfold from her window across the street. She said protesters came from two directions and converged on the synagogue, grabbing chairs from sidewalk cafes and wielding bats as they tried to push past security guards.

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