Boruch Dayan Ho’emes: Zalman Brass, 76, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Zalman Brass, affectionately known to members of the Crown Heights community as ‘Zalman der Shikker.’ He was 76 years old.

A fixture on the streets of Crown Heights for many years, Zalman would spend most of his days on the stoops of Kingston Ave., always with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

In recent years, Zalman suffered from deteriorating health. He was hospitalized frequently, and suffered a heart attack on the second day of Shavuos, which he did not survive.

His Levaya will take place today, Friday, in front of 770 at 1:15pm.

Boruch Dayan Ho’emes


  • Crown Heights Resident

    BD”E Zalman was a icon in the community and will be surely missed.

  • Doris Jaffe

    May his holy neshama have an Aliyah in Gan Eden and rest blissfully for Eternity. He should be meilitz yosher for his family, friends, and Klal Yisroel.

    • Why

      I agree some respect to a man who has just passed away. it is taught that the biggest favor one can do for another is be nice to them once they have passed away since we are not expecting a repayment.

  • A good vort

    “People say they drink to drown their sorrows…. Let me tell you… SORROWS FLOAT”

  • just sayin'

    i know of at least one ba’al shem tov story where it was discovered – after his death – that the town’s “shikker” was actually a great mekubal. so reb zalman, i hope they have great mashke at the farbrengen in gan eden. l’chaim to you!

  • zalman (aka bobby brass)

    he wrote the number one single “this diamond ring” and received royalties each time the song was used in a movie, sometimes many thousands. he showed me a check. there was an article about this in an israeli newspaper years ago. boruch dayan emes.

    • Really???

      Now I am humming it. At least he will be remembered by this legacy, even though it is consideed shtuss. May his neshama have an aliyah

  • zalman (aka bobby brass)

    zalman was the holiest lubavitcher i have ever met in crown heights.

  • Anonymous

    Wow-that is fascinating about the song. Did he write any others?