Campaign to Save Kollel Menachem
After the success of a pre-Pesach campaign undertaken by members of the Crown Heights community to help the financially struggling Kollel keep its lights on, a new push is being undertaken to put the venerated institution, which was founded by the Rebbe in 1962 and now bears his name, on the path to fiscal solvency.
The campaign is being undertaken by a group of concerned community members, led by Askan Rabbi Noach Fox.
“People were simply unaware of the dire financial straits the Kollel was in,” one of the activists told CrownHeights.info. “When they discovered the true reality of the situation, they opened their hearts and wallets so that the students and faculty members could continue their Torah learning without worry.
A generous member of the community has pledged to match every donation, dollar-for-dollar – up to $40,000, made to the Kollel between now and Shavuos.
The committee that has taken upon itself to save the Kollel has released the following open letter to the global Chabad community:
Now as we approach Shavuos, the YomTov that commemorates the receiving of the Torah at Sinai, is truly an auspicious time to help those who young men who immerse themselves in the study of Torah fulltime in our Kollel.
Please support the Kollel which was established by the Rebbe 45 years ago, under the aegis of Machne Israel, and ensure that these Torah scholars can pursue their studies with “menuchas hanefesh,” without worrying about their material sustenance.
Before Pesach you responded promptly to our announcement that every dollar donated to the cause of the Kollel up to $40,000 would be matched by an anonymous donor.
We succeeded in raising $40,000 before Pesach!
We ask you now once again to partner with us in the continuing success of the Kollel. The need is great! The Kollel is solely dependent on the financial aid of alumni and anash.
Every dollar you contribute for the Kollel between now and Shavuous is not only tax exempt but will be matched by an anonymous donor, up to $40,000.00.
Thank you for your consideration.
With every good wish for you and your loved ones for Kabolas HaTorah beSimcha u’bePnimiys and a happy and healthy summer.
Very sincerely,
Rabbi Noach Fox,
On behalf of the Vaad of the Kollel
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky,
Chairman of Machne Israel
To donate, or for more information, please click here.
Reb Noach
As a kolel member you are the only person who cares. I am happy Anash have helped in the past please help now. We are all young couples who need some income to keep us going and also the small salary keeps the guys involved in the Kolel Learning. It means someone cares.
Thanks anash for helping and please help now.
Kolel Menacham
Please help us Kolel Yungerleit it is a great Mitzvah!!
chaim goldfarb