File photo: Yeshivas Lubavitch of Toronto.

Yeshiva on Lockdown; Learning Uninterrupted

A dramatic standoff occurred this morning between Toronto police and an armed man, who barricaded himself inside a home just a few yards away from the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Toronto.

The incident occurred at around 10:00am, near the corner of Bathurst St. and Lawrence Ave.

Fearing for the safety of the surrounding populace, especially the students of the several schools in the vicinity, the police closed off all the surrounding streets and placed all area residents and schools under lockdown.

A student at the Yeshiva told that despite the commotion outside, the Bochurim continued on learning as if nothing was happening.

Yeshiva World News reports that at the nearby girls’ school, Beis Yaakov of Toronto, everyone was told to get on the floor, and no was allowed to move until police gave the all clear signal.

The man was eventually arrested, and there were no injuries reported as a result of the incident.

Photo: Yeshiva World News.
Photo: Yeshiva World News.


  • Masmid

    The learning of chassidus before davening protected the entire neighbourhood. Toronto frum community owes them a debt of gratitude.

  • WOW!

    Beis Yakov gets on the floor and Chabad keeps on learning. Just the way I remember it in the Big T.

  • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone

    # 2 your comment is total inappropriate on a number of levels.
    Firstly, you are mocking other Jews, which creates a Chilul Lubavitch
    Secondly, it was a group of young girls, totally different to Yeshiva bochurim.
    Ask you mashpia for a tikkun.
    Wishing you a Good Shabbos

  • K

    Why, in Heaven’s Name, do you think #2 was mocking anyone? Anyone who has an open mind would read his comment as simply restating the facts in the article without drawing any conclusion or opinion.

    I am not saying that you do not have an open mind – I am dan l’kaf zchus that you do have an open mind, but in this case, the brain may have fallen out.

    There is nothing wrong with restating facts that are reported, assuming that they are true. It is YOU who feels that the facts need to be “explained” or “justified”. Why do YOU feel that way? Are you by nature a “ketaygur” – incapable of being melamed zchus?!

    There coud be many explanations for telling the girls to get on the floor – maybe to bow to HKB”H and be mekal ol malchus shamayim! Guess that did not cross your mind!

    Maybe it is YOU who needs a tikkun or at least to get down on the floor from your perch as you look down at others.

    I am “an outsider”, my daughters attend a Baid Yaakov (in Lakewood) and I did not take any offence by the comment – but you did! WHy? Do you have a chip on your shoulder?!

    I applaud the first comment from “Masmid” that the koach of limud Hatorah is the shield which protects all Yidden – whether in Toronto or in Eretz Yisroel.

    However, I must also point out the following:

    I know that there are several other Yeshivos in the immediate area, and therefore the credit of averting the danger should be shared equally with ALL yeshivos who learned Torah. The community owes all Yeshivas a debt of hakoras hatov!

    Also, whether they learned Gemorah or Nister, before or after davening – is totally irrelevant.

    In fact, the learning after davening is considered “pure” Torah, while learning before davening is considered “preparation” to davening, since Torah learning is (subject to exceptions) generally forbidden at zman tefilah.

  • Arieh

    From #4:

    “I know that there are several other Yeshivos in the immediate area, and therefore the credit of averting the danger should be shared equally with ALL yeshivos who learned Torah. The community owes all Yeshivas a debt of hakoras hatov!”

    Well said. That’s the correct and appropriate response.

  • Hack ah china

    K – you speak the truth but it is distorted. You are like a picture that is out of focus. That is why you disagree so much with Milhouse and nearly everyone else on this site. It is because you don not learn chassidus. All your lomdus does not compensate the lack of a maamar. Come join us and you will start seeing everything properly. There is a chassidus shiyur in Lakewood and you are welcome to it. Maybe we can set you up with Milhouse or Ezra as a chavrusa.

  • Chilul

    #3 – what is a chilul lubavitch?

    Is that like a chilul Hashem?

    I agree with #4, you Pinchos Woolstone need to apologize.

    And #6 – don’t try to be a missionary. If #4 decides to learn chassidus, that is entirely his bechira, so mind your own business.

  • Uh?


    Hey No. 7 did you ever hear of hafotzas hamayonos???

    Another’s yid’s business in his yiddishkeit IS our business.

    And to Aryeh – the entire world exists for the learning of chassidus. The only yeshiva in Toronto that learns chassidus is the Lubavitcher Yeshiva there. Their learning of chassidus gives chayus to the entire city.

    THAT is the correct and appropriate response. That is reality.

  • My Best Yeshiva Years

    This article reminded me of my best years in Yeshiva at Toronto. The winters were cold but the yeshiva was full of warmth. You guys who are there now filling my old seat – use the time well and make the most out of it because it doesn’t get any better. You are in the greatest place on earth.

    • Uh?

      “in the greatest place on earth” – Toronto? Isn’t that E.Y. or 770 or the Ohel? But Toronto??????