Community Gathers to Support G’mach
Friends and supporters of G’mach Keren Yisroel Aryeh Leib turned out for a seudas Melava Malka last night, Motzai Shabbos Parshas Pekudei.
The crowd heard from Rabbi Michoel Seligson, who gave over a Sicha of the Rebbe.
Following was a report from Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, the G’mach’s administrator, who detailed the financial state of the organization. He also spoke about the founders of the G’mach, Rabbi Herschel Fox, OBM, and Rabbi Herschel Moscowitz, OBM. He concluded with a Dvar Torah.
G’mach Keren Yisroel Aryeh Lieb, which is named after the Rebbe’s brother, is one of the Mosdos that were established in honor of the Rebbe’s 70th birthday, after the Rebbe called for the establishment of 72 new Moisdos.
We must never forget what the Mossrim from the corrupt cabal of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council A”H tried (or did) to this wonderful Chesed organization.
We will always remember the vicious mesira that Elie C. Poltorak made against this organization and many others.
The results of these Mesirahs are felt until this very day.
Years later, the G’mach B”H strives and the author, “attorney” signed on the Mesira documents is in a wheelchair and divorced.