The 5th graders of the Lubavitch Boys' school in London enjoyed a wonderful shabbaton last week, which the class earned with their 'davening points.'

London 5th Graders Enjoy Fun Filled Shabbaton

The 5th graders of the Lubavitch Boys’ school in London enjoyed a wonderful shabbaton last week, which the class earned with their ‘davening points.’

All the boys in the class were able to join, in addition to three older boys as helpers. The program began after school on Friday with a trip to an indoor play area, followed by a scavenger hunt in a supermarket.

They then travelled to the Chabad House in Buckhurst Hill, where they would sleep. The boys davened kabbalas shabbos and maariv wonderfully, and were a real inspiration to the community. The boys then went to the shluchim for a delicious meal. After plenty of food, songs, and stories, it was time to head back to the Chabad house where the boys slept.

Davening on Shabbos morning was also very nice. Shabbos Afternoon saw exciting activities which included MBP learning, team competitions, skits, mesiba shabbos etc. After seeing the magical havdalah, the boys enjoyed a BBQ / malve malka and then went for a night hike in the forest. It was truly a shabbos that will be long remembered.

The shabbaton was run and organized by Rabbi Shmuel Aryeh Hackner, the 5th grade teacher. A member of the community commented, “It was a really special Shabbos, it was nice how the boys were able to see a Chabad House being run, and for the community it was a real treat to see a group of frum boys davening. It was a real kiddish Hashem.”

A special thank you goes to Shloime Sufrin for driving the boys and all his help over shabbos, and to Laibel Gordon, Ari Vogel and Mendel Potash – who came along to help, and to Izzy Cousin for his help during Davening.

Finally, an extra special thank you to the Buckhurst Hill community led by the shluchim, Rabbi and Mrs. Brandman, for hosting the boys.


  • fun?

    sure looks like they had fun.
    why are we stressing that they had fun, and why as a society do we plan program to be fun, rather than meaningful? of course children (and adults) can enjoy themselves, but that shouldn’t be the goal of the programs. just look at the choice of words – that represents the mindset of the program developers: fun.

  • To number 1

    Why be so cycical? The caption says fun is what calls it to get people’s attention and that’s no reflection on the organisers of the Shabbaton. I
    f you read the article you will see what a meaningful Shabbos it was.

  • Go aron!!!!!

    Wow aron, looks like you had a blaaaaaast!!!!
    So jelouse.
    Love you!!!!
    Love your older sister


    As a parent of one of the boys in that class, as well as personally knowing the organiser of the trip I can assure you that this Shabbaton was meaningful. My son came back excited about the Shabbos Seudah, the competitions, the stories and in general had a really uplifting shabbos.

  • Thank you to:

    Shlomi Sufrin. thanks for always being a helping hand for everyone.

  • GO M M ME


  • london

    the man shlomi sufrin. for all his hard work. thnks to him for helping out on this trip!!