Mesivta Hears from Son-in-Law of Storied Secretary

In preparation for Yud Shvat, Oholei Torah Mesivta hosted Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro, a son-in-law of Rabbi Nissan Mindel  the personal secretary of both the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe.

In a most unique and interesting manner, the young bochurim of the Mesivta learned how the Rebbe connected to thousands of people who corresponded back and forth with the him in English through letters, answers and publications.

He also related many stories of the Rebbe which the bochurim had never heard before, as well as personal stories that he experienced, being a son-in-law of Rabbi Nissan Mindel.

A special thank you goes to Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, Menahel of the Mesivta, for coordinating the event.

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  • Esther

    My son came home that day, after hearing Rabbi Schapiro’s’ amazing and interesting words. He was deeply inspired. Thank you R Schapiro. May you continue sharing more inspiring stories of the Rebbe and the experiencess and first hand encounters which Rabbi Mindel had with the Rebbe for over all these many many years.
    May you continue your holy work and publicizing the Rebbes works.
    A greatful parent