Shluchos Accept Upon Themselves New Hachlota

The streets of Crown Heights were filled during the past several days with thousands of women from all over the world for this year’s Kinus HaShluchos. While shluchos enjoyed seeing old friends, charging up on ruchnius, and enjoying delicious food, each shlucha was here for one reason only: to live with the mission of the Rebbe.

This year, the suggested Kinus HaShluchos hachlota for shluchos, their husbands, and all of Anash, is to consistently live with the Rebbe’s directives and reinforce our connection with our Meshaleach, ensuring that we view world matters through the perspective of the Nasi HaDor.”

In each shlucha’s welcome bag was a sheet to be used for her pan, suggesting she take separate hachlotas for her personal life, her family, and her community.

In keeping with this year’s kinus hachlota, every shlucha received a special-edition Kinus HaShluchos igros book that contained a unique selection of letters from the Rebbe, all pertaining to various relevant subject matter that might come up in any shlucha’s day-to-day life. Each letter is presented in both Hebrew and English. (Click here if you would like a PDF version.)

The vaad hakinus suggested that shluchos take an additional hachlota to regularly read one letter from the special igros every night or every few nights with their husbands so that, when difficult situations inevitably arise, they will have a more solid and clear understanding of the Rebbe’s outlook on what action to take.


  • Yankel

    I wish I could see what hachlotos and horoas are included. And yeh, it’s nice to figure this one out after how many kinushim??? Moshiach’s tzeiten.