Monsey Cheder Boys Hold Parsha Fair

In honor of Monsey Cheder Chabad’s 5th grade finishing Parshas Bo, the entire school was treated to a project fair where the students of 5th grade presented the story-line and the Mitzvos in the Parsha through 3-D projects, posters, tri-folds and dioramas.

“When the talmidim finish a parsha, it can be difficult to have them review the parsha before continuing on,” says their teacher, Rabbi Zelig Silber, “Through the boys presenting their projects and their oral presentations filled with Medroshim and Meforshim, not only did we as class benefit but the entire school was invited to join in the fun as well.”

Another teacher who was present remarked, “it’s amazing to see the boys talent’s surfacing during the fair, some have talents in creating the physical projects, while others have strength in their oratory skills. It really is a great opportunity for each child to shine.”