Hundreds Enjoy Chana’le Concert in Monsey

More than 400 women and girls attended the Chana’le concert that was organized by the Monsey Cheder Chabad PTA last night.

The evening was Emceed with beautiful and inspiring words from Mrs. Leah Rubashkin, who introduced the Kol Isha Choir. After their melodious and very beautiful singing, the dynamic Esther Freeman took the stage and enthralled the audience. Her lyrics were thoughtful, original and she was very charismatic.

Following an intermission, the star of the evening, Chana’le Fellig, sang with great poise and professionalism. Her powerful songs were moving in more ways than one as she actually managed to get most of the audience out of their chairs and dancing!

At the end of the evening there was a raffle draw which produced some very happy and satisfied winners.

The PTA would like to thank all those who helped and all those who came and supported the evening.