
Last night after Seder, a group of young Charedim approached Toras Emes, a Chabad Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and began to hurl insults and profanities at the Yeshiva Bochurim. A few of the youth then proceeded to pick up stones and throw them at the Yeshiva's windows, shattering a few of them and injuring a couple of students with the glass shards.

Charedim Attack Students of Toras Emes in Jerusalem


Last night after Seder, a group of young Charedim approached Toras Emes, a Chabad Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and began to hurl insults and profanities at the Yeshiva Bochurim. A few of the youth then proceeded to pick up stones and throw them at the Yeshiva’s windows, shattering a few of them and injuring a couple of students with the glass shards.

Accroding to witnesses, the attackers had the appearance of Litvishe Yeshiva students. “It’s terrible that they are bringing back the animosity between Chassidim and Misnagdim that was once a relic of the past,” said one of the Toras Emes students.

A complaint was filed with the police.


  • kol

    how sad that they sit and learn TORAH all day long and they MISSED THE POINT of the basis of our Torah. How pathetic.
    Now we will see how deep seated this kelipa is by watching to see how their leaders deal with this. How tragic, how they don’t even think about the fact that they are in the holy city of Yera-shalom / Yerushalyim. Sorry for all involved, and for all yidden. The only chance in this issue is if their leaders can make sure that these boys learn the truth and/or get mental health assistance.

  • happy

    I am actually very happy to see this. It proves to the world that Chabad is not a part of the world of people who throw stones and spit on people who do not behave, talk, dress, exactly like them. Let the world know that they hate us as much as they hate other Jews . What better way for us to prove that we are not associated with them in any way shape or form?

  • yuppp

    maybe they heard about kosher j and are now acting out lol
    but in all seriousness this is a very big problem.
    thank you religious dogma and ignorance…

  • Andrea Schonberger

    What is the world coming to when Yidden attack other Yidden and for what reason? Moshiach where are you?

  • chossid not lubavitch

    now you see the teaching of satmar ideology

    good for the loving lubavitchewrs you receive 85k now enoy

    the givers

  • Boruch Eloikeinu Shevidilonu vchu.

    Their Yiddishkeit is completely removed from ours. It is all about self and not about G-d. Look at the following clip from a Korean news team that visited Ponovish Yeshiva recently.

    By us any child knows that learnin gToiroh is to connect us to hashem in the strongest way. (Tanya Perek 4 & 5 etc) By them this concept doesn’t seem to exist.

  • uppp

    Judiasm based on the Torah is still something valuable. Based on the arbitrary customs of people who wear black robes all summer, its altogether ridiculous.

  • ANON

    are these the same haredi sect spitting on the little girl? they really don’t get the point of ahavas yisroel do they? sad for them. must be hard in their homes, so much anger.