Noteworthy Tombstones Discovered in Berdichev Cemetery

After lying in ruins through seven decades of the Soviet regime, the centuries-old Jewish cemetery in Berdichev is being slowly and meticulously repaired under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Thaler, Shliach to Berdichev, and Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, director of Chabad of Western Ukraine.

Among the hundreds of tombstones uncovered and restored are several Chasidic luminaries, including: Basia, granddaughter of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, and Rabbi Shmuel Iserlis, brother-in-law of the holy Rabbi Yisroel of Ruzhyn.

Upon the discovery of the latter, Rabbis Wilhelm and Thaler travelled to Eretz Yisroel, where they met with two Rebbes of the Ruzhyn dynasty – the Sadigura Rebbe and the Kupishnitzer Rebbe.

The Admurim reviewed photos of the tombstones and maps of the cemetery, and were very pleased with the discovery. They encouraged the Shluchim to continue with their holy work in repairing the neglected cemetery, as well as their important work with the living Jewry of western Ukraine.

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  • Encourage - can mean many things

    Did the Sadigura Rebbe and the Kupishnitzer Rebbe “encourage” the Shluchim with their checkbook?

  • Shelley

    Please do post the names. My grandparents immigrated from Berdichev in the 1908. There were relatives left behind who I am unable to trace. Our name was Korboduw or Korboduv.
