Alleged Child Abuser Arrested on Way to Crown Heights
Israeli border police arrested a 45-year-old kosher supervisor at Ben-Gurion airport earlier this week, on suspicion of child abuse offenses committed in the south of the country. The suspect, whose name is under gag order, fled Israel in 2001 and has lived in Crown Heights ever since.
He was arrested shortly before he was to board a flight to the United States.
The arrest took place after a young man complained that the suspect abused him 12 years ago. Since then, police received three more complaints from members of the Chabad community, who told of abuse the suspect had allegedly committed against them during their childhoods. Police believe there are others who are afraid to file complaints.
The affair began in 2001, with complaints about suspected abuse committed by the suspect on children. Police arrested him, but he was released to house arrest and fled the country. One month later, his wife and children joined him. Even though he had run from the law, the suspect came to Israel several times over the years.
One of the complainants who spoke with Ynet said that the suspect was like family to him. “During the time he served as a Mashgiach, he would distribute surplus fruit from the places he visited, so he was always surrounded by children who would take the fruit home,” he said.
One of his victims who apparently has not yet filed a complaint, spoke of his deliberations. “We live in a very crowded neighborhood,” he explained. “Some of us are afraid of our wives, who do not know anything and would be angry that we did not tell them. Some are afraid of the rabbis who probably would not want us to air the dirty laundry outside, and some say that it has already been a very long time and the complaints would carry little weight today.”
The same victim told of “an instance in which the suspect went to one of the mothers and told her he wanted to bring her son closer to Judaism; he took him once a week to the mikve, took him to slaughter houses in the nearby towns, and every one of these times, he abused him.
Attorney Mazal Gabai Shamir, who is the suspect’s public defender had no comment.
if it was your brother would you still want the name to be published?
whose hashgacha is it? We were eating food supervised by a perverted person who does that in the name of Torah?? ??? I think we need the name of the hashgacha and find out if we need to kasher our homes.
Get them all
The mohel should finish what he started
to num 2
as if
to num 2
If your brother was a murderer would you protect him? THESE molesters murder children emotionally!
Please support your comments. Use reputable sources. Stop reading random stories off Seewalds website.
Vast majority of molestation victims get on with life. A minority are ruined for life.
It is MUCH MUCH worse to shoot a child in the head.
as we can see 99% of the time people will always protect family members from all crimes, so is chabad ain mishpacha or not?
we will protect our siblings but not our community members?
Most abusers abuse family members but we dont hear of them because the family is protecting them so either we out everyone or nobody.
@ 2
If it was my brother I’d want his name published.
If your son molested your daughter would you post your son?
If your father had an allegation of touching a child 20 years ago would you post your father?
Learn from Seewald – the Director of JCW.
If his brothers would go around molesting other kids in school would he post them on JCW?
Probably not.
According to the FBI – 1 in 10 men molested a child.
I guess 1 less molester in Brooklyn!!!
hashem yer caim
mir darf em arop nemin zayna yatches
it won't help
molesters don’t just use their eiver. sometimes it’s just fondling or other stuff. It’s all just as bad.
Let me get this straight....
He ran from Israel to Crown Heights. Lived here & presumably worked here for 12 years. Traveled back & forth to Israel & NO ONE did anything? Where were Israeli security officials at the airports? When I visit I am interrogated. How come this man was allowed to move freely here & have a job? What as….a mashgiach? Maybe a Rebbe??? I hope he never went near my family. Maybe in this case we should know who he is (he isn’t coming back any time soon.)
Probably JCW making allegations. Havent we all learned by now, its all fake. All of it. This issue doesnt exist in Chabad.
The facts say otherwise.
He is not a mashgiach here..doing somthing else
Hopefuly he didnt touch any kids here….or even his own children.
Sick world we live in. Sick from the top, where our “holy” leadership is fighting in goyishe courts about MONEY and POWER in name of Kashrus. Sick because of people who think they know it all and are quick to criticize others when they are not saints themselves.
Oy Rebbe, Oy Rebbe, we need you!!
Resident of ch
Number 1 he was never a mashgiach in the us number 2 he was a
Adhgiach only in Israel 15 yrs ago and that he is a child molester does not make him not be a good mashgiach ! Btw in a few days his name will be published ! Even though I know the name I wi not publish It ! Good Shabbos and bsoirois toivois
Gd does not play!
No worries, Gd has it all under control. The boyz will clean up the mess or they will have it cleaned up for them by the master of the universe.
They will learn to do right the easy way or they will learn to do it the hard way. Take your pick, boyz!
I imagine there is a big ole earthquake that can make America look like Haiti!
Mendy Hecht
One of the saddest aspects of such stories is that many child victims of abuse grow up to become abusers themselves.
let's be careful not harmful
like we have JCW & ASC here they probably have similar Stalinizm there, in a name of protecting children. Please don’t take their words as 100% truth, give them 20%, do the math.
what if
this guy never touched a kid since 12 yrs. ago. they r still going to publicize his name etc.
how do u know???
TO #14
The kids that he molested were minors. Their parents didn’t want to make a big deal (scared about a “GOOD” shidduch)
Now that the kids are adults they went to the police.
He wasn’t put on CHW because he is suppose to be in rehab. (if that’s even possible)
The most scary part is that his job in CH interacted with kids EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!
True story not made up
This is a true story, he molessted many children in Nachlas Har chabad and rabbi yeruslavski שיחי got involved but the sicko left town and came to live in crown heights. The police is Israel didn’t get him bec no one pressed charges against him. Till he went to israel a few weeks ago, one of his victims made the call. I will not publish his name because my heart goes out to his amazing wife and children.
to #8
“Vast majority of molestation victims get on with life. A minority are ruined for life.
It is MUCH MUCH worse to shoot a child in the head.”
The great defender- most people that get shot don’t die, so shooting people is not that bad. for the ones that dont get on with life is it better then shooting them?
Murder VS Molestation
Either I’m crazy or you are.
In my opinion-
Comparing molestation to murder is just like those who compare Netanyahu to Hitler.
Put the molestor in prison.
Let him be mashgiach the prison food.
Its sad to read the comments who criticize websites that expose pedophiles.They should expose all molestors , whether they work as mashpias, shluchim, rabbis, or salesman.Whether the pedophile’m is rich, wise, old young. Whether they committed this.sickening crime today or years ago, expose them, publish their name and picture, talk about them,warn our children and.friends,let them rot in prison.
A molestor is a molestor, period.
By the way, Thank Hashem for JCW.
Will the prison send a paycheck to feed his wife and kids?
You sound very negative. The positive way would be invest in education, give personal attention to each kid, give them self confidence and yes make sure the alleged person will get treated.
To #31
It’s definitely you, as proven by your “opinion”
@ Izzy
Why is Crown Heights smarter than the rest of the world?
Which other race in this country posts their “alleged molesters”?
(The official registry is only for 1- CONVICTED molesters
2- If a judge ALSO ruled they should posted -rare
3- Only available to those who pay $30 per month)
Just because for the past 2 years some aggressive mafia guy is enjoying destroying peoples reputations – all of the sudden you became smart and are screaming expose molesters -?
Where were you for the past 2000 years?
What changed now?
Why should I be religious?
Because I am religious and part of this community
I might be posted on a website as a child molester (regardless if I ever got near a child, regarless if I was ever arrested).
More sad is that people in this community supports this.
You are religious because of your parents. Community has nothing to do with it.
What a remarkably stupid comment. If you touched a child – be afraid. If you didnt, dont be. Time and again, JCW has proven to be truthful. Just look at the Mendy Tevel story.
Tevel Story
When you read the Tevel story you will see that any educator who is active with kids (especialy special needs) could end up on JCW over innapropriate touching allegations.
I hope my brother's name does come out
I think it would kill my mother if I were to publicize my brother’s name, and so in that respect, I protect family. But I don’t even know who his victims are although I know through my parents that they exist. I pray one day that one of them comes forward on record. Even though I know it will affect shidduchim for my children, I worry constantly that he may be abusing other children now even after therapy. He’s done it before. I know JCW has had his name for a long time but the victim(s) who have come forward are not ready to go on record and so JCW doesn’t have enough evidence to publicize his name.
I’m so sorry for the lives he damaged to feed his animalistic desires.
I will still give him up. Doing what he does to others. What’s the privacy for?
Do it anonymously
If you think he’s still abusing kids you owe it to OUR children to name him. Why can’t they be protected from this sick pervert?
Your Father? Kids?
It runs in the family – how do you know that your father is not a molester?
Maybe your sons are molesting other kids.
Maybe your father molested your brother – now your brother is molesting others?
103 Years Prison
Your brother should rot 103 years in prison just like that guy in Williamsburg.
Chaim Elbereger
Conceptually JCW is an excellent idea.
However,It needs to under under the control of a roof body.
It was initiated by a victim of child sexual abuse, he together with all other abused people deserve the full support of the community, all the abusers need to be prosecuted and jailed without parole.
Presently, JCW is being run by victims, this is unfortunately no longer good,victims are understandably very emotional and lash out, there is an atmosphere of vigilantism about the organization, the “Wall of Shame ” is just one example.
Victim definitely need to be part of the administration but not the oversight body alone.
Well said
We all support the victims but what about the people who are wrongly named on JCW? No one seems to care about them. Mud sticks.
Perpetuating Lies
Keep perpetuating this belief – its been untrue and youve been told its untrue repeatedly. Jacobson, Pellin, Forer, Tamir, Lipner, Blau, and others have told you that there is oversight. Why keep perpetuating your lie?
To #46: where is the proof of innocent victims??? WHERE? People keep saying that, but they never back it up. Please see Mendy Tevel’s supporters of proof that youre not being truthful.
Daniel G - Innocent man on JCW
The Story of Daniel G is just one story of an innocent person on JCW.
How could you ever prove a person on JCW is innocent if they were never even arrested???
Seewald Supporters
I have heard that some of his supported were threatend to do so in order not to be on his wall of shame.
to #18
I beg to differ with you. I will not call you names but you do lend yourself to making people mad. I will just tell you that before you say that all of JCW’s allegations are false, to speak to a kid or a mother of one of these kids. Some of us have spoken to kids who were the recipients of molestation. You can try to deny it, it might feel good, but it is a false sense of security, and a false sense of what you would like to think of as truth. While I see that revealing molesters can have its drawbacks, I can only say that I’d rather know that these horrific people know that they might get caught now and that they don’t have the same feeling of safety and security to do their psychopathic activities. We have enough tzores from out of our shechuna and outside of the Jewish realm, we do not need it within. We are not allowed to let them do this despicable avaira, and something must be done. I’d like to hear anyone disagree with me. If this situation is so difficult, at least the molesters know that they might be caught. We are obligated to protect children.
A big question is. “what is the profile of a child molestor?” In other words, how do we know, beforehand, if someone is the type of person who would go around molesting children?
Dov Hikind said it best: “Look in the mirror.”
Well Said!!
I really doubt that anyone featured on JCW is innocent. Its time to be fed up with the bums that are proving themselves to be less then human in their behaviour. They caused this trouble on themselves by going after children in an evil and sick way.
Usually don't lie
When it comes to relatives, friends, well-respected individuals (especailly big Rabbis), it is convenient to simply sweep the dirt under the rug by denying the allegations from victims. I might do the same.
However, the grim reality is that, while some cases are baseless, according to experts (psychologists, social workers, Rabbis, etc.), over 90% of these accusations are true. Hikind says it’s 99%.
Now hear this, those of you who like to listen to Mike Savage. After the Kletsky tragedy, he said something like:”You, in the insular community bend over backward to keep out bad influences from outside. But, where did that get you? You have to deal with the evil coming from within!”
Are you an accomplice?