Jews and Muslims Cook in Harmony
Jewish and Muslim children pose together for a picture with ‘Our Big Kitchen’ director David Slavin in Sydney, Australia.
Schoolchildren from Jewish dayschool Mount Sinai College donned aprons along with children from Muslim dayschool Arkana College to cook up a feast of traditional Jewish and Muslim dishes to eat together with overproduction distributed to the needy.
Bondi’s Our Big Kitchen was the venue for the cookfest, the perfect choice given that it licensed to produce both Kosher and Halal certified food.
Director Rabbi Dovid Slavin told J-Wire: “It was a very special morning for OBK. Everything reads so negativeky in the Press yet here we were with children working together with no preconditions. Our children represent a promise for a better tomorrow.”
Arkana College is based in the Sydney suburb of Kingsgrove.
Yasher Koach Rabbi Slavin keep up the good work
The song says it all.
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
hamavdil ben kodesh lechol
I like to be open minded but I can’t see what good that will do. Very external good relations, but I don’t believe that it has much more than external. What did they have in mind for this to accomplish?
Call me a spoilsport, but isn’t the point of the Kosher laws so that we DON’T eat together with goyim?
so sad
did they talk about Israel?
to 2
hahah i LOVE THAT even tho its horrible!
Seems their lessons were learned
Looks as though #4,5,6 and 7 were taught well.
to # 1
Enough with the garbage
“Our children represent a promise for a better tomorrow”
To #5
It’s gonna be bishul Yisrael and still you do not have to eat
Reb dovid never stops to amaze us! Brilliant original ideas.may u have loads of hatzlacah and kol tuv
what is wrong with every one? these ppl want to kill us. from the day they are born they are raised to hate us… look at whats going on is israel????!!!!! and rabbi salvin is arranging cook outs with the enemy, pretending like he is doing a good thing???!! what is every one thinking???
old idea. been done already
Anyone remember PM Rabin? He made sure to have little Jewish children spend shabbat with little muslim children (sic).
But it’s ok. His daughter still married a very religious man.
He prayed 5 times a day.
hey, so what if he’s a muslim? Isn’t that what her father wanted?
What is wrong with you people? There’s so much assimilation already, now you want to have more?
sholom bayit
you might be better of teaching your own children to have a peaceful respectful relationship with their own family then we can have a promise of a better tomorrow
To #14
Thank you. Is this what we want? Children socializing with eachother? I’m pretty liberal but I think having children dine together creates a bond that may cause trouble later on. Just saying.
The Torah is very explicive about this one. Who is it that lets “shluchim” do anything that pops up in their heads without thinking through who he is supposedly representing and what exactly (asides from PR) he is doing.
There are guides for Shluchim how to raise money, how to organize a dinner, a (lehavdil ) levaye, and how to roll sushi. What about how to be a true Shliach shel odom kemeisei with all the Rebbe’s horoas (no Israeli flag, no mixed seating etc. etc.
And if someone does something out of line, it should be censored, not publicized.