Rav Mordechai Ashkenazi: No Compromise on Tznius

Yeshiva World News

HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Ashkenazi Shlita, Av Beis Din of Kfar Chabad is unwilling to tolerate and breach in tznius in the community, and towards maintaining acceptable standards, he met with heads of the girl’s schools in the community earlier in the week.

The rav explained that it is evident that some of the women in the Kfar have decided to ignore community standards for tznius, and this cannot and will not be tolerated. Towards achieving total compliance the rav announced he will be appointing Paparazzi photographers, females who will roam the community and take photos of women who are dressed inappropriately, Chadrei Chareidim reports. After receiving the photos, the rav plans to summon the husband and offending wife to discuss the situation.

The report adds that daycare workers were also in attendance at the meeting with the rav, since they explain at times, women come to drop off their small children without proper head covering.


  • something has to make an impact

    Something needs to be done. This is unpleasant, but hopefully, it will not take very long for people to change their dress code (or lack of it.) I’m sure the Rav isn’t happy about this turn of events either.

  • Trying this out

    Gee. Really makes a ba’al teshuva want to try living in a frum place, doesn’t it? I’m a BT and get comments on my trimmed beard from my CH neighbors. I am not yet ready for the huge beard. My old Chabad House welcomed me. CH makes me want to run for the upper west side.

  • Don t Blame the Husband

    Not sure why the husband will be summoned too. Don”t blame the husband. I tell my wife repeatedly to wear stockings, longer skirts, etc. and it is repeatedly ignored – and the spin put on it that somehow I’m the one making trouble.

  • to sebag:

    I guess your wife, Mr. Sebag, is one of the women round here who forgets to get fully dressed in the morning.

  • mendy

    tznius is diff then other mitzvos other mitzvos its not as noticeable if you keep them properly or not but tznius is going in public and showing off to everyone that you dont care about tznius and besides that its wrong for you but it affects other men that are there

  • Rules are Rules

    Chassudim gathered together to create a place they can live as chassdim, that place happens to be Kfar Chabad.

    If your coming to live in this place then respect it rules, otherwise go live somewhere else.

    The Rabbi is taking back the neighborhood.

  • LOL

    Yes, please take pictures of inappropriately dressed women without their knowledge and bring the pictures to me to inspect. If he wasn’t a big Rabbi, he wouldn’t be able to get away with saying these things without it sounding really creepy.

  • mind ur own buisness!

    people always comment on how one should mind your own business or it’s an invasion of privacy well….
    if YOU think it’s a private matter maybe don’t dress in public how you should look in private!!!! and yes it’s everyone ‘s buisness b/c everyone gets to see it! beside for you not dressing modestly your are giving frum men no choice but to see this wherever they turn!!!it’s their aveira to even see you like that!!!! you are making others sin!!!so we are all minding our own buisness and taking measures to protect ourselves, husband and children!!!!!

  • kfir97

    tell that old man to quit smoking if he really cares about others someone should give him a crash course on second hand smoke

  • S L

    BLA BLA BLA. Israel is a free country as is the US. Move to Iran, Mr Ashkenazi where you can enforce your bizarre policies.

  • good for you

    Rabbi Ashkenazi you are finally someone who is willing to stand up for what you believe is right.

    we need a rav like you here in CH and then maybe we will have a fighting chance.

  • to sebag

    Such chutzpa!
    How can you use such fowl language…and to a Rav!
    Who are you? where were you brought up?

  • sebag

    i cannot believe the foolishness of some people. Dont you realize this will TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM YIDDISHKEIT? if they are dressing like that, they are already on the fence, and with stuff like this, they will jump off! this is not the right way to do things.

  • Bubby

    to no.2
    What do you mean by live and let live, if your neighbor served treife and/or is mechale Shabbos, would you also say live and let live, or you would not let your kids go near them, what’s the difference, not dressing tzniusdik is against halacha same as the other.

  • To #3

    Q. When will this happen in CH?

    A. Maybe when the government of the U.S. completely falls apart, you and your like minded fellow human beings (you know, the ones who want sharia law…) can enforce that type of system

    I am happy to live in the USA where individual rights still have some semblace of importance. And if this happened here I wouldn’t hesitate to press charges for harrassment.
    (Oh, and I don’t have a personal problem with tznius, but that is not your business anyway.)

  • Disgusted.

    I guess I would be moving if this would happen where I live..totally disagree. Taking pictures of woman is a total breach of TZNIUS and completely inappropriate..and probably illegal. Disgusted.

  • to #2

    to #2
    Why does it offend you so?
    Ever heard of when in Rome do as the Romans do?
    Perhaps if it bothers those they can always move a little further down the road to Tel Aviv and feel FREE about how they choose to dress and behave in PUBLIC.

  • Moshe

    “live and let live!” is not Torahdike at all. This is because of you that there are no improvement in matters of tznius.

    Do you remember that there is a mitzvah to prevent our fellow Jews to commit sins?

    We should support any initiative whose goal is to support our Torah values and chasidic standards.



  • excuse me

    im sorry that will just make the girls further from yiddeshkiet when they have 2 do somehting like that i know im a teenager

  • idea

    I think that we might be working outside-in. Maybe we need to figure out the source of the problem and work from there.

  • old timer

    crown heights has a problem with tznius because our leaders –or lack thereof– have let this issue get out of hand. kol hakavod to the Rav for showing some backbone and doing something more effective than sending out letters.

    tznius is a HALACHIC issue, not a personal choice. if you wish to consider yourself an orthodox woman, then you have to follow the halacha. each orthodox community needs to have a community standard, as interpreted by the rabbinic leaders. if you don’t like the community standard where you live, please move to a community that has a standard you do like.

    if crown heights’ rabbinic leadership would stop having squabbles and tantrums, then maybe we would be zocheh to have a community standard of tznius which follows the lubavitch interpretation of Halacha. this is a rabbinic issue, NOT a Rebbe issue.
    good luck!

  • Um Muhammad

    Welcome to Iran or Afghanistan,yes Ramadan just ended…
    I’m wondering where he is going to view this pics…
    sharia now!!!

  • its not about the men

    i think using the excuse “it affects men around them” is ridiculous.

    Most men have the capacity to stay loyal and proper to their own wives even if they see women dressed untzniusdik. They see it in many other places. Thats just ludicrous and makes us sound like Sharia Muslims. Its not hte issue.

    The issue is the affect it has on our girls, our women. The influence it has on them. The issue is on the lax attitude it breeds and rubs off onto other areas of Yiddishkeit. The issue is that it is simply a breach of Halacha. The issue is simply that its wrong.

    Making it a “its unfair to men” only brings the response..“well tell the men to control themselves and stop looking, I dont have to change myself because of some stupid animal men…” or something of that nature.

    The issue is simple Halacha, Yiras Shamayim and chas vesholom the negative effects it has on the entire community. The higher hte level of our Tznius, the higher the level of our security!!!

  • To sebag

    Your self-serving foolishness reminds me of the following true anecdote: My parents once spent a shabbos on the east side of manhattan where the Rsbbis son was visiting, perhaps as scholar in residence or something of the sort. During Shabbos Mussaf a lady enteres the shul skimpilly clad or unclad rather. My mother who was there at the time, describes how she felt embarased for the sanctity of the shul that a woman cold enter so inappropriately dressed, she said that she felt like covering her with a cardigan that she was wearing. She saw the guest rabbi motioning quite animatedly not to touch the woman. It seemed that, that would have dsrupted the rabbs enjoyment.

  • To Sebag #16

    “Dont you realize this will TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM YIDDISHKEIT?”

    Tznius is part of Yiddishkeit. And if they aren’t dressing Tznius they are ALREADY turning away from Yiddishkeit.

  • Elki

    There is an element here that is the antithesis of tznius – taking pictures of women furtively and bringing them to a rav? Imagine this vignette in any other religion, l’havdil. How would it resonate in very own midsts.
    This is not a comment of the im/proper mode of dress but the very improper mode of “undercover” tznius.

  • Live and let live?

    Live and let live is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We’re all in the same boat, it’s not your own hole your drilling, were in the boat too!

    Are you Jewish, or not? This world isn’t about doing what you want or enjoying life as you see fit. If thats how you look at it, your in dreamland…

  • Agree

    Sadly, I agree. If a person chooses to live in Kfar Chabad then they must follow Chabad minhagain and how much more so halacha. Otherwise, move. I lived in Kfar for years as a kollel student and was always impressed by the tnius and shomrei mitzas i saw there.


    AGREE WITH #33

  • chaim

    throw paint on them.. that will cover them up
    how dare these ladies pollute our communities

  • chaim

    in tanya 32 it is written that one cannot tell someone else what to do regarding law but only if its a good friend who will understand and it will turn him/her on NOT off.

  • Outsider

    In case some of you’ve forgotten, tzniut also applies to conversation.

    On one hand, there are community rules how to dress and agreement that something must be done.

    On the other, self-righteous, anonymous users have no problem describing community women as looking like hookers (how would they know how a hooker dresses?), using words like “shvartzes” or worse, or assuming that just because a woman is divorce/divorcing, that somehow the man kicked her out. I’ve met a few frum women who divorced their husbands for abuse and adultery, and frum men whose wives divorced them for being lazy, having difficult personalities, poor habits.

    If you can’t look beyond a person’s outward appearance to their soul and see their virtues, then the fault is on you.

    With all the criticism of females bodies and pressure on looks for marriage, it’s no wonder why eating disorders have made their way into the community and girls are going OTD.

    Additionally, according to archaeological finds, Ancient Israelite women didn’t dress anything like Jewish women do today and, in fact, showed a lot more skin (elbows, chests). Some sites say that Rabbis indicated Jews were not influenced by Egyptian clothing without offering more than a few vague, historically significant examples but many cultures dressed similarly then so if Jews weren’t influenced by styles of the day, then what did they do, wear fig leaves? Shop on Kingston? Daffy’s?

    Use your brains, people.

  • backwards

    #4, I know what you mean!
    #8 and #30, If they’re half way out the door, do we need to push them out and shut the door in their face?

    This “tznius police” thing is a completely backward approach. As a BT, I know first hand that you have to understand the importance of a mitzvah to begin observing it. You have to do it because you feel the importance and you want to keep it. It doesn’t matter what mitzvah it is, enforcements of any kind will only anger people and make them go against it altogether.

  • 3#

    To 18 are you Jewish there are laws not only by government we run on a Torah just like you would run to the police and tell them to stop taking pics so to in the jewish law were it said about tnius what comes fist to you being jewish or liveing in the USA

  • LEAH


  • Thank you Rabbi Ashkenazi

    Thank you Rabbi Ashkenazi. Baruch Hashem there is a Rav who is not afraid to insist on upolding the Torah! Baaruch Hashem.

    To those of you who are uninformed, the Rav said (as quoted in a prior article) the pictures will be given only to his rebbitzen, and only she will speak to the non-tzniusly dressed woman and her husband. Hey guess who watches your wife go to the mikva? This is for a holy purpose.

    To the teenaged girls who said this would drive them away from Yiddishkeit – you obviously are teetering on the fence – you are already AT RISK R“L – and it’s because you have been exposed to partial nudity since your infancy. You are FFB, yet you are strugling with TINOK S”NISHBA problems. You don’t know better.

    And to the BT with beard issues – your trimmed beard is a sign that you are growing and in your own words, you are “not yet ready for the huge beard”. The women we are speaking about are slipping into the abyss, and their rebellion is dragging down hundreds of men women and children. It HAS to be stopped.


    There are things that you do in private and none knows about it but Tznius is both public and private. We women need to walk like princesess we are not just any ordinary person. We are children of the King of Kings. remember we need to think that our father is always around and he wonders what we wear. Dress nice is not the queation but we should dress and enjoy life as a princess of the KING OF KINGS

  • Yaffa from South Africa

    I agree with what is being done – I live in South Africa and I am a BT and I am very proud of my tznius. We all have our problems with tznius wherever we live it is how we choose to address these problems. Well done to Rabbi Ashkenazi for what he is doing. I would not want my husband or children exposed to women who are not tznius. What would the Rebbe being saying about what is happening in the world with tznius. Would these same women be behaving this way if the Rebbe was with us physically? I doubt it. Husbands also influence how thier wives dress and they are just as much a part of the problem as the women are because often they say nothing to their wives. B’H I have a husband who if something is not right will say so to me and I appreciate him for that because he is taking care of me both physically and spiritually. Young women and girls need tznius role models to look up to – nobody says you have to be dull and boring when it comes to tznius you can dress very nicely and still be tznius.

  • David Hompes

    Let me see if I understand this well:
    It’s o.k. to compromise the woman’s privacy by taking her picture.
    It’s o.k. for the Rav to look over all these female pictures.
    The Rav’s standards are the determination what is tzinius and what is not.
    It’s o.k. to publically (guaranteed it will come out in the open) embarrass the woman.
    It’s o.k. to humiliate the husband or family.
    My 2 cents: The Rav should’nt go there and concentrate on jungeleit dropping out!


    At least there is one rov in Lubavitch who cares about something called HALOCHO, and not public opinion, all this nonsesnse of Live & Let Live, Mind your own business, or Ch”V saying the Rov is interested in those pictures etc. are the source for complete lack of any standard of yiddishkeit.

    But don’t worry you have many liberal freinds who will defend Madof – the investors were greedy, David Ahron – and all other self centred whackos.

    You want to dress like a Shikse, first of of all its against halocho, secondly don’t do it here.

    Stop defending the perpetrators, and blaming the victims. If you know the rules and break them – you rae WRONG.

    And iT IS a rov’s business to keep up the standards of Tznius – Halavai people in CH would listen to rabonim and ignore the politics.

    Kesiva Vachasima toiva


    I cannot believe what I see here in print!!!
    Fellow YIdden. LUBAVITCHERS!!???!!!
    before You form an opinion and especially before you proclaim it in public for ALL to read, are you taking at all into consideration what it is that the Torah YES, THE TORAH, The ONE TORAH that WE ALL ACCEPTED TO FOLLOW, has to say about it.
    IT IS CHODESH ELUL Let us ALL remember who we are, WE ARE YIDDEN, CHASSIDIM SHOMREY TORAH UMITZVOS and as CHASIDIM WE ARE not only shomrey Torah Umitzvoh but MEHADER in Mitzvos, since, as we have been told again and again by OUR REBBE and ALL REBBEYIM, this is the very definition of CHOSID, A mehader in Mitzvos, in ALL Mitzvos!
    In this month of RACHAMIM USLICHOS Let HASHEM YISBOREICH bless ALL OF US with the best BROCHOS.

  • different stories

    yes tznius is a part of yiddishkeit but for those people on their long journey towards being frum, things come in steps! i think each case needs to be judged differently based on a person’s background and what may be conducive to her growth towards keeping tznius. i believe that who ever has grown up frum, needs this and a forceful approach and that this is a great idea to attempt to fix this issue but please handle each case differently!

  • Ma im H-armon !!!

    To Rabbi Ashkenazi :

    What about the Armon that the Rebbe direted to be built in Kfar Chabad. How can you openly defy the Rebbes direction ?? !!!

  • nu

    if a woman snaps the photos and the rebbetzin looks at them (which i believe was the original intent), then what’s the big deal?

    obviously the improperly dressed women have no problem with anyone seeing them in that state, be they rabbis or other community members, so their feelings about this shouldn’t be taken into account.

  • cher

    guys the minute u dress like that you make it evreybodys business so dont go around saying its not ur business

  • overrated

    I’ve been to kvar chabad its not a big deal like the rabbis makin it! so what a women has her has a tinny bit down from her chin! please or is the problem that the shirt actually fits! they should all go around in bagy clothes leave them alone!!!!!!!

  • old timer

    Why should we lower the standard for women who want to dress like shikses? No one is talking about girls/women who are not frum and come into our neighborhood looking for “something”. We are talking about women who know that it is wrong to dress like shikses but choose to do so. A BT said to me “I used to dress like this and left everything behind and now I see it here”. If the din of tnius will turn someone off, so will the dinim of Kosher and Shabbos and Taharas Hamishpocha so let them not keep the dinim that bother them. Please!!!!!!!!!!.
    Segag, you obviously are a BT who has never learned anything. Go back where you came from. This is the airev rav who made a churbon in our neighborhood. Your wife and daughters most likely dress like goyim and you agree with it. Leave our neighborhood and please do not try to influence our kids. HOw dare you feel that you can corrupt other kids like your family is obviously dysfunctional. Will this make you feel better. Get a life. And maybe you will stop being the henpecked husband/father

  • DaasTorah

    This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read. While this rav is a holy man, he does not have the authority nor is in the position to dictate his own personal view of tzniut! What is this, the Taliban? Halachic tznius is very different from his view on the matter. He needs to take a lesson and chill out.

  • Enuff is Enuff

    Thank G-d someones standing up to what is wrong! Kfar Chabad is a Chabad setlement,u don’t like the rules..MOVE! And to all those who are claiming that womens privacy is being trampled upon,they OBVIOUSLY don’t gove two hoots about privacy cuz what is more private than ones body???If they are flaunting themselves half naked in public they obviously want people to look at them.Get over it!

  • chaim

    this is funny. the people agreeing with this are not accepting and extremely judgmental but that’s ok according to torah right? they have decided to pick and chose what best fits them in torah, yes, so have the women not dressing how u do but, double stranded? go be perfect (impossible) and then you may realize that your approach is off


    I say you untznius women are sadists! That’s right, and professionals too.

    What I mean is this: what can be worse than torture of the mind?!

  • Chaim Tovim

    Kol HaKavod Rabbi A! Well done! FYI: When one moves to KC, they sign an agreement that they’ll uphold community standards. This means that the rov can tell them to move if they breach community standards.

    Lubavitcher women are known throughout Israel and NY as being the raunchiest dressers of the frum world. Enough is enough!! Time to change that and make Hashem (and the Rebbe zecher tzaddik le’vrochoh) proud.

  • You forgot

    Kfar is a place where people don’t just move, it’s a village. According to law there is a group of people who sit and accept you to live there. If you want to live there, you agree to the rules of the place. If you go against the rules of the place, you get kicked out.

    It’s nice of Rabbi Ashkenazy that he’s only summoning them to a talk. It’s super nice that only his wife looks at the pictures, as opposed to doing anything more with them.

  • So sad about this...

    Has anyone noticed how many of our FFB (not BT) kids are going “off the derech”? Has anyone thought that perhaps, just perhaps, this is because our kids have had this kind of treatment their whole lives? Not loving inspiration, but forceful “dos and don’ts” without any sense of what a turn-off that is. Our whole thrust with BTs has always been to bring them closer with caring and concern, not judgement. Perhaps its time to use the same approach with our children (and adults), not just assume that because someone is born into a frum family, they will automatically want to follow halachah. How many shluchim have you heard about who are wildly successful with their mekuravim but have lost their own kids? This kind of “police tactics” will only serve to turn off our own more completely. Let’s work on inspiring people to want to keep halachah, let’s teach them why its important and then their actions will automatically be correct.

  • the party is over

    Does anyone realise that we now have (at least 2) groups of lubavitchers?
    1) frum – those *trying* to keep all the Torah and mitzvos (at most we can hope to be beinonim. We are not tzadikim. Yes, we do unfortunately make mistakes at times, but we regret them and try to be more careful going forward)
    2) the reform/conservadox/confused and befuddled – ie those who only want to keep the “cool” aspects of torah – like covering your hair with at 24“ long shaitle, while only wearing a 22” long skirt. Twiring your husbands gartle as you walk down Kingston on shabbos, with your slit maatching the slit on his kapote, Stopping and smiling at the mexican guys who whistle at you as you wiggke by. Having shiksas treifing up your kitchen and pushing your strollers on shabbos even though our Rabboning have repeatedly said both these actions are forbidden. And the men, with pants so tight as to reveal what should be hidden, and riding so low your underwear is showing. By what standards can you possibly consider yourselves to be frum? You cause heartache to your parents, grandparents and the entire community. And stop complaining that it’s because you had horrible parents or teachers. Too bad. You need councelling to get over your abuse? Then go get councelling. You are all grown up now, so do something to get over your emotional scars and get the help you need.
    shape up or ship out!
    The party is over. We are going to take back the streets and make this the holy neighborhood it once was.
    Because the way you act now, you are a total disgrace, and are causing others to sin.

  • to # 66

    Sorry to burst your bubble dear, but the party has just begun! You sound really jealous that your husband is not skinny enough for tight pants, and that you cant have a full time shigsah. Your post reeks of narrow mindedness and envy.


    wow. this sounds oddly familiar…

    why not, to make us even MORE tznius, they make us start wearing scarves to cover up our faces? and if we suffocate, oh well. at least it will help with the shidduch crisis. too many girls anyways right?

  • to number 64

    I agree with you! it’s so sad that these authoritative figures – our teachers, our educators, our leaders – have it all wrong!

    They call themselves LUBAVITCHERS? Haven’t they ever read the Tanya? Doesn’t it say to draw our friends closer with thick ropes of LOVE???

    They seem to have gotten it all backwards. More like… Binding them with thick chains…

    don’t they realize that the chabad is all about Ahava and love? why do we reserve that only for the baalei tshuva? or the non-frum people rabbanim want money from? Why do we neglect those who are already labeled “frum”?

    arent we all baalei tshuvot every day of our lives?

    aren’t we all supposed to be better than yesterday?

    don’t we all just need a little more love?

    I wish you all the best, and a meaningful Elul. May we all come closer to Hashem and each other during this month!

  • liberalhunter

    Stupid hypocrites.

    You liberal Jews are both stupid and disrespectful. Stupid since you buy into the idea that democracy and modernism are the only normal way of life, and disrespectful since you have no awareness whatsoever of any culture outside of your own multicultural cholent pot. Any respectful human has the decency to respect the traditions of a culture they visit. If you spend time with munks on a mountain in Tibet or with Native Americans on a reservation you show respect for their traditions and their dress. But since the only other cultures you are aware of is the black/hispanic media blurt which boasts stripping taliban women from their headscarves all you can fathom in your infinite wisdom is why the USA rules and democracy is a god and the sharia should be booed. And that includes you, Ms #18.

    Stop reading the New York Times and turn off the TV. Begin to see how other poeple live and when you visit their small villiges pay attention to their dress code and learn to have respect for other poeple and their way of life.

  • thewhitehatter

    M70. you have the chutzpa to call right minded individuals stupid and disrepectful? do you know anything about the develepement of jewish minhagim and halacha? what kind of a your taliban mind dont you understand that the “laws of tzius” is daat yehudit“ these are dependent on the norms of soceity and def should not be dictated by some author. dictator by the name of a rav. follow in the names of the sephardic sages and get out of your fanatic eastern european mentality. even if this was ”the law” shoving it down the throat of our ladies isn’t the solution.

    the most frightening thing about this article are the comments that go with it. i cannot believe i am part of a people, a people who i received the torah at har sinai with. who feel to shove down customs and minhagim of their disgusting sexual deprived eastern european rabbanim, who cannot look at their fat wives, in the sheep the have brainwashed to listen to.