7th Graders Prepare for Yud Shvat

A new program for 7th graders in Oholei Torah has entered its fourth week, and its success is amazing. The program, called “Shviin Chavivin”, is a mivtza preparing the young Bochurim for Yud Shvat, the likes of which has never been done before.

In the program the Bochurim learn the Maamar Bosi Legani, taught by Yossi Mayhill, before the school day begins! The students are greeted with hot cocoa and cake every morning.

Each week the students take spot quizzes, called ‘huh?’, in which they answer questions what they have learned. The students also fill out a duch [report] detailing their accomplishments.

An added program, called ‘Hashkem’, has students arriving in school at 7:15am to study the Maamar for the week leading up to Yud Shvat.

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