Anash of Wilkes-Barre Hold Melava Malka
Once a month the Anash families in Wilkes-Barre – Kingston, PA community get together for a Melave Malka, enjoying an evening of achdus and inspiration together. This month, in an effort to increase the joy, the Melave Malka was held in the communal room of Temple Apartments, a local housing complex with many Jewish seniors.
B’H some 25 residents joined the community of Anash for words of Torah and a delicious spread in a wondersul environment of Achdus. All present were entertained with songs and the 12 Pesukim presented by the students at Cheder Menachem in Wilkes-Barre.
The children had a special program with their teacher Rabbi Yehuda Green, principal of Cheder Menachem, while the adults stayed in and heard a chassidic story from Rabbi Tzvi Perlman related to the theme of ‘Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha’. Afterward, the assembled enjoyed their dessert while they watched the Living Torah video. Many of the first-time guests expressed their delight about the idea of the Melave Malka, and expressed their appreciation for the weekly mivtzoim visits of the Cheder children to their housing complex.
Proud to be an American!
How inspiring and refreshing it is to see the US flag displayed so prominently and proudly!