2,500 Bochurim to Gather this Week

With less than a week until Yud Shevat, preparations at Vaad Hatmimim in New York are in full swing for the annual Kinus Hatmimim convention.

Kinus Hatmimim, the annual convention of Lubavitch bochurim learning in Chabad Yeshivos worldwide, is set to take place this week in Brooklyn, NY.

Working on the schedule are the head of Vaad Hatmimim organization Rabbi Yudi Shmotkin and Rabbi Tzvi Altein and a staff of dedicated bochurim of 770.

2,500 bochurim are expected to attend this year’s gathering which is held in connection with Yud Shvat, the yahrtzeit of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the day the Rebbe assumed leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch.

They will be hearing from noted Roshei Yeshiva and Mashpiim. Chief among them, CrownHeights.info was told, will be Rabbi Moshe Wolberg, the respected Maggid Shiur in the Chabad Manchester Yeshiva in England.

The event will take place this Motzoei Shabbos at the Rosa Hall in Campus Chomesh on Lefferts Avenue, beginning at 8:00 PM.

“We have been working to keep the program inspirational and meaningful while retaining the extraordinary energy and koach that the Temimim feel during this special Kinus,” a staff member of the Vaad said.


  • Pls Record it

    Organizers, HaGoan Rabbi Wolberg is an inspiring speaker, a Rosh Yeshiva and exceptional Mashpia, a geshmacke yid, for all Chassidshe ppl. Pls stream the event and record for dissemination of the event. The release of the recorded event is important for all Tmimim future T’mimim and Anash b’chrave tevel. Thank you