JEM has released a full 3 hour Farbrengen from 24 Tevet 5741 – 1980, two of the main Sichos are subtitled in 6 languages, here is a link to the study guide in 3 languages.
New JEM DVD has Hour Sicha on Family Planning
JEM has released a full 3 hour Farbrengen from 24 Tevet 5741 – 1980, two of the main Sichos are subtitled in 6 languages, here is a link to the study guide in 3 languages.
This release is part of the recent initiative “Farbrengen Club” to release a full Farbrengen every month (see here for more details)
To join: Main Call 718-774-6000 Online Israel : Call 052-4239775 Online France call 336 6707 8212 email
Vote Hackner!!!
Melbourne, Australia
Thank you JEM!! I always look forward to receiving your professionally produced DVDs.
Go Elkana and crew!!
Kudos to JEM!!!