The Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim has released three beautiful Kovtzim for the crowd of Bochurim that are spending Tishrei in Crown Heights and by the Ohel.

Vaad Releases Three Kovtzim for Tishrei Guests

The Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim has released three beautiful Kovtzim for the crowd of Bochurim that are spending Tishrei in Crown Heights and by the Ohel.

The First Kovetz is on different topics of Inyonei Geulah and Moshiach specifcally focusing on the Rebbe’s Torah on the topics.

The second Kovetz is “Shuva Yisroel” focusing on Teshuva in the light of the Rebbe’s Torah. There will be shiurim given on the material in the Kovetz during the coming days.

The third Kovetz – “BaChodesh HaShvii” is a collection of SIchos and Maamorim pertaining to the Yomim Tovim.