Rabbi Engel is the Director of Chabad of South Australia and the Spiritual Leader of the Jewish Learning Centre of Adelaide.
Rabbi and Mrs Engel had each been charged with 39 offences for falsifying documents with the intention to deceive and gain benefit. These charges related to applications by the Spirit of David Adelaide Hebrew School for government funding.
When called upon by the Court, the South Australian Police, who prosecuted the cases, had no evidence whatsoever to lead against either the Rabbi or his wife.
Rabbi Engel Cleared of all Criminal Charges
All criminal charges against Adelaide Rabbi, Yossi Engel and his wife Chana, were today dismissed in the Adelaide Magistrates’ Court.
Rabbi Engel is the Director of Chabad of South Australia and the Spiritual Leader of the Jewish Learning Centre of Adelaide.
Rabbi and Mrs Engel had each been charged with 39 offences for falsifying documents with the intention to deceive and gain benefit. These charges related to applications by the Spirit of David Adelaide Hebrew School for government funding.
When called upon by the Court, the South Australian Police, who prosecuted the cases, had no evidence whatsoever to lead against either the Rabbi or his wife.
At all times, Rabbi and Mrs Engel had vigorously maintained their innocence and remained committed to defending the charges.
Outside Court, Rabbi Engel on behalf of his wife and family thanked God, their lawyers, family, friends and congregants for their unwavering support throughout this very trying time.
Supporters of the Engel’s, while still dismayed that these charges were ever laid in the first place, agree that justice has now been served and that the honesty and integrity of the Rabbi and his wife has been acknowledged and endorsed by the Police and the Court.
Rabbi Engel said he and his wife were most appreciative of the outstanding work done by their lawyers which had culminated in today’s outcome.
One of the lawyers representing Rabbi Engel, Norman Rosenbaum, Barrister, praised the Police for having recognized that the charges against the Rabbi and his wife were without basis and for bringing this matter to finality in the manner they did. Rabbi and Mrs Engel had cooperated fully with the Police throughout their investigation.
With these charges now dismissed, Rabbi and Mrs Engel look forward to devoting all of their energies to serving the needs of the Adelaide Jewish Community.
glad to hear
I’m sure it cost them plenty of money to defend themselves against 39 totally trumped-up charges. I hope they can sue for malicious prosecution or whatever these Aussies call it down there.
Brings new meaning to the term “Kangaroo Court”!
Mommy and Yaacov Moshe
To Chani and Yossi and the kids!!!!!! Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! May all of Lubavitch come together in Achdus and realize the magnitude of this victory – and stand together for all the Shluchim and Shluchos and their families who are out there in small towns and large cities – all over the world – with their mission in life to fulfill the inyanim of the Rebbe!!!!!! Thank you to all the attorneys and legal counsel and friends and family who stood by and supported our children!!!!!! We love you!!!
A old time friend
Thanks NORMAN you did it agaun keep up the good work!
All 4 Rubashken
Didan Notzach…NEXT
B”H, fantastic! Rabbi Engel was the first person to put t’fillin on me, back in the 90s.
Thirty Nine
39 is a very significant number. Perhaps this is telling us we need to be more careful about learning hilchos Shabbos to be more scrupulous in our Shabbos observance.
n tifenbrun
fantastic wishing family engal every thing good
Yossi and Chanie Engel are the best. this is great news and the Sherr family wishes them only revealed good from now on!!!! Thank you Hashem , the Rebbe and NOrman Rosenbaum
ad mosai!!!!
Stormin Norman
Stormin Norman
the Gerrers use him, Lubavs use him, the Skverer rebbe uses him,
he’s really the hero
Shkoyach Norman
Woman Down Under
Now will the Australian Jewish News apologise for their disgusting slander of Rabbin Engel? Probably not.