End of Year at Rabbi O’s YNS Chabad Tzfas

Many wonderful events were held at YNS at the end of the yeshiva zman.

With great pride and nachas Rabbi Orimland, Rosh HaYeshiva, proudly gives a well deserved Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shoime Litvin upon obtaining his Smicha. He is the third bochur this year at YNS to attain this achievement.

The last Friday night of the zman the bochurim were hosted by Rabbi & Mrs. ‘O’ at their home (as they do for majority of the Friday nights of the entire yeshiva year). Many bochurim stayed on after the meal until two in the morning and enjoyed the heartfelt singing of nigunim and words of chizuk from their Rosh HaYeshiva. The Shabbos farbrengen was geared for the hachonos of Gimmel Tamuz.

At the Sunday brunch the shluchim thanked Rabbi ‘O’ and the bochurim for an amazing year that was full of experiences that they will carry on with them wherever they will go.

On behalf of the Shluchim a beautiful gift was presented to Rabbi ‘O’ by Shlomo Yager in which he gave Rabbi Orimland a brocha that he should be able to continue to keep his heart and home open to many more bochurim that will be able to benefit from his special kochos of working with these yiddishe neshomos.

Presentations were made by Rabbi ‘O’ to Habochur Hatomim Meir Roth, Habochur Hatomim Shneur Aharon, Habochur Hatomim Eli Marks and to Habochur Hatomim Dovid Turner. Yasher Koach to them all for their amazing progress and accomplishments.

And Acharon Acharon Choviv Rabbi Orimland presented to the Shluchim a beautiful memory of their Shlichus at YNS. A great big yasher koach to Chaim Simon, Levi Ainsworth, Zalmi Orimland, Dovid Greenberg, Vadi Alberkirk and Shlomo Yager on a shlichus well done!

YNS Chabad Tzfas is currently in the midst of their second annual raffle with a grand prize of $50,0000. Please show your support to the wonderful work done at this yeshiva by purchasing tickets at http://ynsisrael.com/raffle. All raffle purchases are tax deductible! Tizku L’mitzvos!

http://ynsisrael.com/raffle http://ynsisrael.com/raffle http://ynsisrael.com/raffle


  • very impressed wrote

    hey iknow i’ve said this before but hey i am always so impressed about the work done at YNS. hey i’ve watched some of these boys over the year and alll i can say is yasher koach to Rabbi O for all the kochos you put into each and everyone of your students.
    hey, nice grand prize $50,000. everyone out there should show their support to this place. hey, i’m gonna buy now.

  • 763

    It’s amazing to see how much these bochurim have changed since this past summer when I first met them! Great job you guys and keep it up!!! To Rabbi Yager , You have no idea what a great impact you have had on these boys! Last but not least Rabbi O. ,you do wonders with these guys and may Hashem repay you back with all the brochos possible!!!!!


    a big thank u 2 rabbi o and his staff 4 the awesome work they did.may hashem bless them with parnasa be gashmiyus and beruchniyus.2 the bochrim in yns i really miss you guys.i hope u guys r keeping up the awesome work.

  • num 2&8

    zalmi (zo) you r awesome.u have no idea what a big help u are to me still today..i want to thank you 4 the awesomeness you got inside you.

  • Yossi

    Mazal Tov Shloimy and to all of u who worked so hard. Keep up the great work. Rabbi and Rebbetzin you truly are the best!