You can make a beracha shehakol bajillions of times a day. You have a chance to say “Baruch… Mechadesh Chadashim” only once a month. We say “Al Biur Chametz” just once a year. But Birchas Hachama comes only once every twenty-eight years. Nobody—not even your old grandfather—has done this mitzvah more than three times. When Birchas Hachama comes around again, you might be as old as your parents are now!

New Website – Birchas Hachama for Kids

You can make a beracha shehakol bajillions of times a day. You have a chance to say “Baruch… Mechadesh Chadashim” only once a month. We say “Al Biur Chametz” just once a year. But Birchas Hachama comes only once every twenty-eight years. Nobody—not even your old grandfather—has done this mitzvah more than three times. When Birchas Hachama comes around again, you might be as old as your parents are now!

As a soldier in Tzivos Hashem, you want to do Birchas Hachama right. Read what the Rebbe says about Birchas Hachama, listen to the sicha the Rebbe said at the last Birchas Hachama, and learn the proper procedure at

One lucky child (from grades 1-8) will win a set of Lukkutei Sichos and another will win a 120 gigabyte iPod, which comes fully stocked with all the Rebbe’s sichos and all the JEM videos! You might be a winner! Go to to read the details of your mission, download the Rebbe’s sicha, and enter the raffle!