Yeshivas Kayitz Costa Rica Moves to South Africa
Due to a change in location to South Africa’s capital city, Yeshivas Kayitz Costa Rica has been renamed to Yeshivas Kayitz-Pretoria.
Geared for ages 15-17, YKPSA will offer amazing adventures, strengthen learning, develop character, Yiras Shomayim, team-building and other life skill – all in a safe and inspiring Chassidishe environment.
The camp has worked hard to make this summer their best, by adding incredible trips like the 4×4 Safari Tours at Kruger National Park, Underground Caving at some of the world’s biggest crystal chambers, Lion Park and more.
The camp hired Rabbi Zalmy Kudan of to conduct extensive camp staff training, and Rabbi Shmuely Geisinsky to develop a groundbreaking unique curriculum for the Bochurim.
Rabbi Zalmy Kudan, director of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp West Coast, serves as an Accreditation Visitor for the American Camp Association, where he was awarded the Rising Star Award. His staff training improves leadership, provides focus, outlines discipline, and teaches safety.
Rabbi Shmuel Geisinsky, a protégé of Rabbi Shimon Waronker, spent more than 200 hours in developing a ground breaking, innovative summer curriculum that cultivates empowerment, differentiation, rigor, and deeper comprehension according to the needs of each individual Bochur.
The camp has made safety their number one concern, with an onsite medic and private security 24/7. All transportation is done with air conditioned Coach Buses from reputable companies whose drivers are vetted.
To register, please visit
Rabbino Hersch Spalter
As a former camper, a special thank you goes to Rabbi Heshy Spalter for making us feel at home in his Chabad House.
When we were in Costa Rica, he gave so much time to the bochrim, a real mentch.
Summer Time
Yes, but late June till late September in Pretoria, South Africa , is Winter, so when it’s summer in Bklyn, it’s Winter there, so how is it gona b called a summer camp when, in the city or location they r doing it, it’s actually winter, it’s the same like Melbourne, which summer starts Dec 23 till March 23 that’s summer.
Summer in Melbourne is 1-Dec to 1-Mar. And camp is two weeks in late Dec or early Jan.
are they hiring staff already?
To comment #3
It still doesn’t answer the question has can u call it a “summer camp” when in Pretoria, South Africa from late June till late Sept is Winter there. Anywhere below the equator, when it’s Summer in the US, it’s Winter there, so again that brings us back 2 the question, Pretoria, South Africa is below the equator & in late June till Sept will b Winter, how can they call it summer camp when really it’s winter in those months. & yes Melbourne is the same.