First Week of Fun in Gan Israel-Florida
With a week already in the rear-view mirror, CGI-Florida’s summer is once again turning into yet another classic.
Campers from around the country, and indeed the world, pulled into camp’s newly-acquired grounds last Tuesday, greeted by camp’s fabulous team of staff. The months of planning and preparations by Camp Directors Rabbi Biston and Rabbi Goldblatt were clearly evident, with camp hosting a record amount of campers. Both directors were hands-on to greet parents and campers alike. The camp nurse was also on-hand to address all medical –related issues and question.
Campers were officially greeted by their Head Counselors Menachem Klein (Tennessee) and Menachem Lifshitz (Crown Heights). After reviewing many of the safety rules, campers were assigned their Counselors and bunks and off they went to settle into their new bunkhouses.
With the first day of camp being Gimmel Tammuz, campers gathered for a rally. Pesukim were said, niggunim were sung and a video of the Rebbe was played. Before the rallys’ end, campers wrote Pa’’nim to the Rebbe.
World-renowned for its attention to the entire child, B’gashmiyus U’vruchniyus, this standard was certainly raised a notch, with the new grounds boasting multiple rope courses, an Olympic size swimming pool and air conditioned bunk houses.
Back for his 6th summer, Chef Nissan, known for A-class cooking and generous portions, is once again serving up delicious meals together with an optional salad bar.
Many of camps’ staple-programs are already well-under way; Mishnayos B’eal Peh and Tzivos Hashem both got off to a great starts, with campers amassing many lines of Mishnyos, Tanya and general Torah-knowledge, while staff award campers with valuable points for the many mitzvos they do throughout the day.
A beautiful Rebbe-Album was prepared, where campers collect pictures of the Rebbe that teach campers how to conduct one’s life, as exemplified by the Rebbe.
A challenging-yet-invigorating learning program was introduced by camp’s Learning Director, Rabbi Moshe A. Lipsker; campers learn about the Hilchos Beis Habichra and Birchas Hanehenin. Twice weekly, campers are tested on the material by way of a game show competition, called ‘’Kluger’’. Campers that successfully answer questions are promoted in rank, while each class works hard to earn their class valuable points towards learning class competition.
And just when things started to settle, campers were surprised on the first Thursday of camp with a trip to the bowling alley Thursday.
Shabbos brought the magic of Gan Yisroel to life, where each meal culminated in the entire camp – campers and staff alike – dancing around the entire dining room in one large circle… Truly a sight to behold!
The second week of camp brought its own surprises, which included the older division enjoying a two-day Bunk War, where the campers worked hard to produce their own songs, plays and skits.
CGI Florida looks forward to greeting all parents on Visiting Day this Sunday, followed by another four weeks full of inspiration, fun and much meaning.
Photo Credits: Mendel Fishman
Where’s my Menachem? ; )
Mordy Feinstein
just amazing
cgi florida best camp in lubavitch!!!!
go yossi goldblatt!!!!!
to number 1
On the table
A big thank you
Thank you Thank you for giving our grandchild Zalmy Gold and all the other campers a wonderful”Chabad” camp experience both in Ruchnius and Gasmius.
Pinchos and Mina Gold Ramat Bet Shemesh Israel