CGI FL Learn Over 34,000 Lines By Heart

As every year, throughout the 6 weeks of the camp season, campers from Camp Gan Israel Florida worked to prepare a special and most befitting present for the Rebbe with their annual Mishnayos Be’Al peh program; together, the talmidim learned and were tested on a total of over 34,000 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya and Siddur.

This number includes: 855 Mishnayos – including 74 complete perakim – and 16 perakim Tanya. Campers also had the chance to get tested on many Yediyos Kloliyos from a special MBP Handbook (courtesy of Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld of Cheder Menachem – Los Angeles, CA).

An added feature to this year’s program was that parents were able to track their child’s MBP progress throughout the summer months on the camp’s MBP website (both the database & website courtesy of Rabbi Dovid Zirkind of

On Friday, Gimmel Elul, a special ceremony was held where the campers were awarded Seforim which they themselves chose as prizes for their efforts & achievements; the entire camp staff and administration, which included the camp’s Executive Director, Rabbi Yosef Biston and Director, Rabbi Yossi Goldblatt, joined to pay tribute to the children’s efforts.

The children were welcomed and commended for their accomplishments and efforts. Leibelovitch, the coordinator of the Mishnayos Be’al Peh program, announced the accomplishments of this year’s MBP, which was followed by honoring the top 3 campers with the highest accomplishments, to receive their prizes; Menachem Mendel Konikov of Bunk Hey, Menachem Mendel Roth of Bunk Dalet & Menachem Mendel Weunch of Bunk Zayin.

Each camper was then called up and received a prize according to his achievements, with the accompaniment of a simultaneous Multimedia presentation, displaying each campers’ points, achievements and seforim they received.

The campers, staff and administration of Camp Gan Israel Florida hope that the campers’ accomplishments & achievements give much nachas to the Rebbe and, as explained in the Rebbe’s Sichos, will bring the Hisgalus of Moshiach Now!


  • From F to FL

    Reb Isroel Halevi!
    Nice to see you out of your touring experience!
    Keep on the great work you must have done these last few months since you left Y.

  • staff member

    cgi florida, the best camp ever! its real, i loved it. god bless all staff that have ever worked in this camp with hatzlacha in all they do, and may their children have the zchus do enjoy real good times, the way they treated the children in this camp!
    i love you cgi florida!
    the rebbe’s always guiding…


    Mazel Tov to all the campers especially Yehuda (yudi) Gutnick great picture with your zaidy! What an awesome camp.FLORIDA C.G.I.

  • Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

    My son went to CGI Fl. and he was so happy that he’s “Camp Sick”… He wants to go back asap and misses camp every moment.

  • your life guard body of CGI ny

    Horav yisroel halevi Hurwitz.ben achar ben from the Shaloh…and a tashkenter too…very choshuv..(bruno etc..).indeed you did a GREAT job in camp. one of your old bodies, I have my info.