Hit and Run Driver Sends One Person To The Hospital in Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
A hit and run driver in Crown Heights sent a Jewish woman to the hospital Monday morning after running a red light.
Crown Heights Shomrim received a call for help around 10:00am after the hit and run driver had left the Jewish woman stranded in the middle of the intersection on Utica Ave and Montgomery Street.
According to witnesses, the hit and run driver, described as a male, had run the red light on Utica Ave and struck the front end of the Jewish woman’s car.
Hatzalah was called and transported the woman as a precautionary measure and Shormim secured the scene until the police arrived. Armed with a description of the car, Shomrim canvassed the area and found the runaway vehicle’s front bumper, still with license plate attached, abandoned near Rochester Ave in Crown Heights. That, along with pictures, videos, and witness testimony, was given to the responding officers.
A police report was filed and Shomrim assisted in transporting the car to a local body shop for repairs.