Katie Mulvaney - The Providence Journal
A Jeep Cherokee remains wedged under the Chabad House, on Hope Street in Providence, yesterday. Photo - Gretchen Ertl

PROVIDENCE, RI — A police officer pulled a woman and her baby from a burning Jeep Cherokee early yesterday, moments after the vehicle crashed into a synagogue on Hope Street and burst into flames, the police said.

Jeep Crashes Into Chabad House

Katie Mulvaney – The Providence Journal
A Jeep Cherokee remains wedged under the Chabad House, on Hope Street in Providence, yesterday. Photo – Gretchen Ertl

PROVIDENCE, RI — A police officer pulled a woman and her baby from a burning Jeep Cherokee early yesterday, moments after the vehicle crashed into a synagogue on Hope Street and burst into flames, the police said.

Patrolman Robert Braddock Jr. saw a Jeep heading north on Hope Street near Hope High School at 4:30 a.m., shortly after being alerted that a vehicle fitting that description had been seen traveling at a high rate of speed the wrong way on Thayer Street, Lt. Paul Campbell said.

The 1995 Jeep ran the red light at Hope and Olney streets and crashed into the Chabad House, a synagogue and Jewish hospitality house at 360-362 Hope St., Chief Dean M. Esserman said. Braddock, who was following it at the time, did not see brake lights before the Jeep hit the triple-decker and its engine block burst into flames, said Esserman.

The chief was among the first officers on the scene because he was on his way home from responding to a homicide on Valley Street.

Braddock broke a passenger-side window and saw 11-month-old Aysharin Sar crying on the floor behind the front seat, said Campbell, Braddock’s supervisor in the Fox Point area. Braddock took the baby from the burning vehicle and then pried the driver’s door open to free the unconscious Chantria Sar from behind the steering wheel, Campbell said.

Sar, 20, of Lowell, Mass., and her son were the only occupants of the Jeep. No charges were filed, but the investigation is ongoing, Campbell said.

Braddock dragged the Sars away from the burning car and officers evacuated four people from the third floor and one person from the house next door without injuries, seconds before the front end of the Jeep exploded, Esserman said.

“He’s a hero,” Esserman said of Braddock.

Braddock, a four-year veteran of the force, declined a request for comment.

Chantria Sar was taken to Rhode Island Hospital, where she was in stable condition yesterday, Campbell said. Her son was taken to Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

The baby was transferred yesterday to a hospital in Boston, so doctors could do additional checks on his lungs, said Lucky Souvann, who identified himself as Aysharian’s father and Chantria’s boyfriend. He said mother and son would be OK.

The incident was reported to social workers with Family Services of Rhode Island, Esserman said.

The front of the Jeep remained wedged into Chabad House’s foundation throughout the day yesterday as workers from Multistate Restoration labored to shore the structure up so the vehicle could be removed without causing the building’s collapse, said Kerry A. Anderson, chief of structures and zoning for the city.

Flames scorched up the length of the three-story building, but most of the damage was structural and not due to the fire, Anderson said.

“The building’s not a total loss, but it’s going to take a lot of work,” he said. The scene drew onlookers from the nearby farmer’s market throughout the morning.

Worshipers at the Chabad House attended services in the yard behind the damaged synagogue yesterday, but declined to speak because it was the Sabbath.

Firefighters retrieved the Torah from the burning building at the rabbi’s request, Esserman said.

Photo – Gretchen Ertl


  • Wellwisher

    After a fire comes wealth!

    May Hashem bless the wonderful Shluchim of Providence (a town whose very name means Hashgacha Pratis!) with great wealth and even greater success in their holy work!

  • Mendy

    With that last name and the building hit being a shul, one wonders if this is America’s first case of a Muslim female (attempted) suicide attack. One indicator might be the fact that very little details are provided–this may indicate the politically correct media’s fear of labeling a terrorist a terrorist.

  • Az Och un Vai

    Rhode Island (albeit Newport) has the second congregation formed in this country; the Touro Synagogue (Cong. Jesuit Isreal 1658; 4 years after Cong.
    Shearith Israel 1654).
    The Chabad House in Providence is the only Frun shul in that city now; there of course used to be many. I hope all will be well with the involved parties, and the house itself that it may continue to serve a much needed purpose in that community, especially to all the students in that city.
    If anyone can help with the rebuiding in any way, please, this is a worthwhile and much needed place.

  • chaya

    oh how crazy look how many terrible things are happening . I hope this will be the last thing that is bad that is happening!

  • made Aliyah

    Az Och un Vai – um.. what are you talking about? "The Chabad House in Providence is the only Frun shul in that city now; there of course used to be many."
    being that it is the Aseret Yimay Teshuvah, I am going to be Dan Likaf Zechut and guess that you meant the only "FUN" shul..
    Being a former resident of Providence, I am aware that my former community has gotten a lot smaller over the past few years.. however.. I seem to recall that there is a Kollel still in Providence and I am sure that they have a frum shul that is open to all… and I am sure that there might be a couple more around…