Cyclist Struck on Brooklyn and Carroll

Crown Heights, Brooklyn –- A young teen riding his bike was struck by a car. The incident took place in the intersection of Carroll St and Brooklyn Ave at around 7:50pm in the evening. What appeared to have taken place was that the cyclist who was waiting for the light slightly in the street was struck by an oncoming car.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Bystanders called 911 and EMS along with Police responded and treated the teen for various injuries and was then transported to a local hospital for further treatment and observation. No summonses were issued to the driver. would like to remind all readers of the danger waiting on the street for the light to change, it’s an all to common occurrence and posses a great danger to pedestrians and drivers alike. We would like to urge pedestrians to please wait up on the sidewalk for the like. “Venishmartem Meod Lenafshoseichem”.

One Comment

  • shshshshs

    that is so freeky
    I hope people become more cearful so that will only be used for good things