Critically Injured Bochur Flown to New York
The Lubavticher Bochur who was critically injured in an accident in Guatemala has been successfully transported back to the United States, thanks to the efforts of many and now faces a long road to recovery. Friends have launched a fundraiser to help cover some of the medical costs.
The Bochur, who was travelling with friends in Guatemala over Pesach, was critically injured in a motorcycle accident on Thursday last week. He was transported to Guatemala City where local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Shalom Pelman saw to him receiving the best possible medical care.
Meanwhile the Shliach together with family members and friends arranged for an air ambulance, operated by VitalOne, to transport him back to the United States.
This morning, Sunday, he was successfully transported by jet – first to Florida, then on to Valhalla, New York – where a Kiryas Joel Hatzalah Ambulance transported him to Westchester Medical Center where he was admitted and is currently in the Intensive Care Unit and under sedation.
“He is being seen by top specialists at [WMC] for the trauma he received to his head during the accident” said a family member. “The Tehillim that was said and the money that was donated have already gone a long way to helping [him] make a complete and speedy recovery.”
The public is asked to continue saying Tehillim for Mordechai Nissim ben Miriam
A GoFundMe page was started by Meir Lieblich, a friend of the victim, and is fully supported by the family. “There are a lot of details and medical bills involved. We are asking for the help of his friends, family and community to come together and alleviate the stress of the medical bills and expenses. We are hoping to raise $65,000 for him. Thank you for your concern during this time” he wrote.
Click Here to visit the GoFundMe Page, where over $10,000 has already been donated.
Is a better platform.
Old story...noone learns
While I absolutely feel for this poor fellow, it’s about time people are made aware of the extreme danger of ATV’ing as well as jet skiing.
People get killed all the time and yet we keep allowing our children to engage in such activities.
Where did you read atv? It clearly states motorcycle.
I am a Bochur who went away for pesach. The city I was in it was a very common thing for tourists to rent mopeds… I went to do bikur cholim in a hospital in that city for the shliach. I walked thru the emergency room and saw 15 people in the room…12 were motor scooter accidents….Bad ones. One girl almost didn’t have a face. A guys leg was all cut up and dislocated shoulder etc…We need to make this a bigger awareness. It’s not a joke and needs to be dealt with. That’s part the reason why a lot of places don’t give insurance for these rentals…
Refua sheleima
We are praying for you Motti
Hope to hear more good news soon.
My Mashpia
My Mashpia said that goyish music is not something I need to work on right now. There are other priorities. So for now, I have a pass to listen on.
So my doctor said I needed antibiotics over Pesach. That is a sign of being sick. I will stop taking it when the course is over and the illness is gone.
A heter for Goyishe music means you need help, it’s nothing to be proud of.
Wean yourself off of it.
Especially now as all music is forbidden during sefira.
And besides, what does your music have to do with an accident, and the need to daven for Mordechai Nissim ben Miriam?
to number 4
get yourself a new mashpia. one who is a chosid and a yiras shomayim. Ironically, I just read a story of a woman who suffered from excruciating migraine headaches and wrote to the Rebbe (before gimmel Tamuz) asking for advice how to get relief and the Rebbe said “stop listening to non Jewish music”. She listened and her migraines vanished. Non Jewish music (if you can call it music) pollutes your soul and your mind. It makes everything treif look kosher.
dr i
I have worked in the Kings County trauma unit during the summer. Filled w/ post-traumatic lim fractures, major limb nerve injurries, head trauma etc. Do not let your precious child ride on a motorcycle, moped, motor scooter etc. Te cement is unforgiving. In a car, you have steel to protect you. Otherwise, it’s you against the full force of nature. If they persist, before they ride go to the Trauma Unit at KCH or call me
Great Dane
Any update?